SHAH ALAM: KD Mahawangsa – 1504 – has returned to its home port, the Lumut naval base, after spending 72 days at sea for a resupply mission for the Malaysian contingent in Lebanon. The ship left Lumut on November 30 and arrived at Beirut, Lebanon on January 2.
As it was a resupply mission, the ship among others carried six three tonne trucks, two one-tonne trucks and an ambulance; ammunition and explosives, communication gear and items to be donated to the Lebanese community.

On her outbound leg, Mahawangsa took part in the International Fleet Review at Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh. After completing her mission to Lebanon, the ship stopped at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia allowing her Muslim crew to perform the umrah, the pilgrimage to Mecca and Madina.

For the home bound leg, the ship also stopped at Kochi, India before embarking on the return journey. From KD Mahawangsa:
KD MAHAWANGSA selamat tiba di Tambatan Pangkalan Lumut dan disambut oleh Panglima Armada Barat, Laksamana Madya Datuk Abu Bakar bin Md Ajis, Panglima-Panglima, Pegawai Kanan serta Pegawai Memerintah Kapal.
MISI SELESAI. Pelayaran KD MAHAWANGSA untuk Misi Ulang Bekal MALBATT 850-10 ke Beirut, Lubnan dan International Fleet Review 2022 di Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh terlaksana dengan cemerlangnya. Lawatan Operasi ke Jeddah, Arab Saudi dan Kochi, India turut tersemat dalam ingatan.
Rancangan dan kolaborasi antara semua pihak telah dapat merealisasikan pelayaran ini hingga berjaya, TERIMA KASIH SEMUA.

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