Letters of Award for Home Ministry Tenders

Letters of Award for Home Ministry Tenders

SHAH ALAM: The Home Ministry on April 27 issued letters of award to four companies which had taken part in separate open tender competitions. As usual it did not name the companies nor value of the LOA.

Two of the companies were awarded the LOA for the supply of black stockings for the police and mobile intelligent surveillance thermal radar (STR) for the General Operations Force. The other two are for the comprehensive maintenance services for hardware and software for off-air monitoring system (OTAM) and human resources management information system (HRMIS).

Of the four tenders only the STR tender has been reported in Malaysian Defence previously as it is an interesting procurement project, at least to me of course. Eleven companies took part in STR competition with bids ranging from RM6.4 million to RM7.5 million. The estimated cost for the tender is RM7.5 million.

The tender for 605,586 black stockings for the police attracted one hundred bidders. The estimated cost for the tender is RM7.2 million.

I believed the STR contract was awarded to Puncak Teknologi Sdn Bhd as a company official wearing the company logo was pictured in the Home Ministry social media post on the ceremony. If you zoom into the picture, the envelope being handed to the Puncak Teknologi official, is printed with the STR contract on it.

A Puncak Teknologi official receiving the LOA from Home Ministry deputy secretary-general (management) Abdul Gapar Abu Bakar (left).

Puncak Teknologi was the company awarded the contract to dismantle the coastal surveillance radar system that was procured by the Defence Ministry around 2015/2016.
AMP Corporation mobile radar vehicle unveiled at LIMA 2023. The radar can be lowered and raised from the cabin unlike the previous version which needed to be raised up and down manually. Malaysian Defence picture.

The company is linked to AMP Corporation Sdn Bhd which supplied three coastal surveillance radars for the RMN for Ops Benteng and it is also the maintenance provider for the MMEA for its coastal surveillance (SWASLA) system which was commissioned into service in 1998. There are eleven sites in the peninsula and three on the west coast of Sabah for the SWASLA system.
Marine police checking the capability of the MMEA mobile radar system in January this year.

As part of the maintenance contract of SWASLA, the company has also produced mobile radar systems to be used a stop-gap measure whenever the fixed radars break down or undergo maintenance. At LIMA 2023, AMP Corporation unveiled a new mobile radar system which was installed on a Toyota Hilux 4X4 pick-up . Unlike the previous mobile radar, the new mobile radar truck can be operational within 10 minutes.
The old AMP Corporation mobile radars which were in service with MMEA under the SWASLA programme previously. The mobile radars are used as a gap filler whenever the permanent radar stations go down or undergo maintenance.

I stand to be corrected but I believed the STR solution offered by Puncak Teknologi will be a mounted on a Toyota Hilux pick-up like the mobile radar truck by AMP Corporation.

The release:

Majlis Penyerahan Surat Setuju Terima (SST) Perolehan Bekalan/Perkhidmatan Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Akuan/Ikrar Syarikat dalam Memerangi Jenayah Pemerdagangan Orang dan Buruh Paksa
PUTRAJAYA, 26 April 2024 –Majlis Penyerahan Surat Setuju Terima (SST) Perolehan Bekalan/Perkhidmatan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) telah disempurnakan oleh YBrs. Dr. Abdul Gapar bin Hj. Abu Bakar, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pengurusan), KDN yang melibatkan empat kontrak bekalan dan perkhidmatan kepada pembekal yang berjaya.
Projek yang terlibat dalam penyerahan SST ini ialah perolehan pembekalan stoking hitam bagi Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), perolehan peralatan Mobile Intelligent Surveillance Thermal Radar (STR) bagi kegunaan Pasukan Gerakan Am, Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam, Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan secara Komprehensif Perkakasan dan Perisian Peralatan Off The Air Monitoring System (OTAM), dan Perkhidmatan Penyelenggaraan secara Preventive dan Corrective kepada Peralatan dan Perisian Sistem Aplikasi Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS), PDRM.
Dalam majlis yang sama, keempat-empat wakil syarikat pembekal telah menyerahkan Akuan/Ikrar Syarikat dalam Memerangi Jenayah Pemerdagangan Orang dan Buruh Paksa kepada Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pengurusan), KDN sebagai tanda komitmen pihak pembekal untuk bersama dengan pihak kerajaan bagi meningkatkan kesedaran serta menghapuskan sebarang elemen pemerdagangan orang dan buruh paksa dalam rantaian bekalan perniagaan mereka.

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (4)

    • No, it will not as the power output is lower and the antenna is at a lower height.

  • Ohh I see. So I hazard a guess the mobiles range is prolly the minimum acceptable distance for them to continue keep operating otherwise they might as well not worth it.

    • Yes that is why the mobile radars are meant as gap fillers when the actual radar is off line for maintenance or fault. Of course, if they specify a much more capable mobile radars it will cost more.
