LAW On The Firing Line

The Raja Muda of Selangor firing a live LAW. Mytradoc

SHAH ALAM: LAW on the firing line. Three years ago I wrote that the Army was getting a batch of Nammo M72 anti structure and anti tank versions of the light anti tank weapon (LAW) based on a tender to transport these weapons from Norway to Malaysia.

Two years ago we saw that the LAW was in service with the Special Forces Group (GGK) as one of the troopers was seen carrying it during the 2018 Merdeka Parade.

The Raja Muda preparing to arm the Claymore mine. MyTradoc

Now courtesy of the Raja Muda of Selangor we now know that the LAW is also in service with the 10th Para Brigade.
The Raja Muda firing the GPMG. MyTradoc

The Raja Muda during a visit to the 17th RAMD living firing exercise at the Army’s Jungle Warfare Centre (Pulada) on 18 August appears to have fired a live LAW. Apart from the LAW he also fired a mortar, GPMG and armed a Claymore mine.
The Raja Muda firing a live LAW. Mytradoc

Facebook post from the Army Training and Doctrine Command (MytTRADOC)

Kunjung Hormat DYTM Raja Muda Selangor Kepada Komandan PULADA
Johor, 18 Ogos 2020: Duli Yang Teramat Mulia, Leftenan Tengku Amir Shah Ibni Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al Haj, Raja Muda Selangor telah mengadakan Kunjungan Hormat kepada Komandan Pusat Latihan Tempur Tentera Darat (PULADA), Kol Isa Daud bersempena dengan Latihan Kem Kemahiran Senjata (KKS) 17 RAMD bersama Kompeni Bantuan (PARA) melibatkan DYTM Raja Muda Selangor (RMS) di Kem PULADA.
Kem Kemahiran Senjata yang dianjurkan oleh 17 RAMD telah dilaksanakan di beberapa lapang sasar PULADA bermula 18 Ogos sehingga 20 Ogos 2020.
DYTM RMS turut dianugerahkan Lencana Kehormat Bantuan Para oleh Mej Shaiful Husairi Jamil, Pegawai Pemerintah Kompeni Bantuan Para dan Lencana Kehormat Jurulatih Tinjau Infantri yang disempurnakan oleh Komandan PULADA.
Acara diakhiri dengan tandatangan pengiktirafan oleh DYTM RMS kepada PULADA sebagai pengiktirafan kepada segala fasiliti latihan.
Turut hadir ialah Brig Jen Hj Semaon Hj Marjuki, Panglima 10 Briged dan Lt Kol Anwar Zamani Jusop, Pegawai Memerintah 17 RAMD.

The Raja Muda firing an 81mm mortar with the 17 RMR (Para) support company.

Hopefully the next Army live firing exercise- likely early next year – will also feature the LAW and the newly delivered NLAW. HT to DM.

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2363 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Marhalim,

    We still haven’t seen the RPG rounds supposedly supplied by Ruag.

    A few years ago you posted a pic I took of an “anti-material” M72 launcher that was used at Lahad Dato and displayed by the army.

  2. Fun fact. Turkey also makes indigenous LAW. Perhaps we can buy them cheaper than NAMMO.

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