Defence Special Operation Division, Part 2

Two operators from BKOP/Special Operations Division, one from Paskal and the other from GGK, based on their berets and uniforms. Note the guns carried. It Most likely both are the M4 carbines with upper receivers fitted with picatinny rail and fitted with accessories. Both are using Magpul PMAG 30 round magazine. MAF HQ.

SHAH ALAM: It appears that the Defence Special Operation Division (DOSD), first announced in January 2019, is already operational. It is unclear when the DOSD was stood up but it appears that it is already ready good to go. We knew about the DOSD existence following the visit to the command by the MAF HQ chief of staff Lt. General Zakaria Yadi. As expected not much details have come from the visit -published by MAF HQ Facebook page – apart that the first commander of the DOSD is Colonel Ahmad Suhaimi Mat Wajab, a career Grup Gerak Khas officer. Suhaimi’s pictures in the post, also featured here, is blurred by the original poster when he is not wearing a mask.

Lt Gen Zakaria Yadi inspecting the personnel from DOSD. MAF HQ.

KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Dis 2020 – Ketua Staf Markas Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Leftenan Jeneral Datuk Mohd Zakaria bin Hj Yadi telah melakukan lawatan kerja ke Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan (BOPKP), hari ini.
Ketibaan beliau di BOPKP telah disambut oleh Ketua Pengarah Bahagian Operasi Pasukan Khas Pertahanan, Kolonel Ahmad Suhaimi bin Mat Wajab serta pegawai-pegawai dan anggota BOPKP sebelum sesi taklimat disampaikan berkenaan organisasi dan fungsi bahagian tersebut.
Dalam rangka lawatan tersebut, beliau telah dibawa meninjau ke kawasan sekitar BOPKP untuk melihat dengan lebih dekat fasiliti yang terdapat di BOPKP. Ini merupakan lawatan ulung Ketua Staf Mk ATM ke BOPKP sejak beliau memegang jawatan tersebut

Lt Gen Zakaria Yadi with the first commander of JSOC, face blurred by MAF HQ.

From my original post on the DOSD.

Months after the National Special Operations Force (NSOF) was quietly disbanded, the Armed Forces chief Gen.Zulkifli Zainal Abidin today announced that the military will set up a Joint Special Operations Command (JSO) tasked with duties of national and strategic interest.
He did not say when the new command will be stood up and where but it will work together with the Joint Force Headquarters and Armed Forces Headquarters. It is likely the three special forces units in the military – GGK, Paskal and Paskau – will work together under a single command much like NSOF though without the police’s own UTK and MMEA Star team.

Two operators from JSOC, one from Paskal and the other from GGK, based on their berets and uniforms. Note the guns carried. It is most likely an M4A1 carbine with tan coloured accessories from butt stock to stock attachment. Both are using Magpul PMAG 30 round magazine. MAF HQ.

From the pictures posted we can confirm that only SF operators from the military are included in the new command namely the GGK, Paskau and Paskal. It is also likely that the command was only recently stood up as they had not decided a single uniform for the operators. It is unclear however how many personnel be attached to the command or whether they will receive different equipment from those of their original units.
NSOF personnel conducting a Hostage Rescue demonstration at the launch of the unit in Oct 27. 2016

It is also likely that the command has taken over the barracks and offices of the now disbanded NSOF.

— Malaysian Defence


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About Marhalim Abas 2408 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. more on the stock

    anyway, a centralised SF command would be a good start. Hopefully support units for SF would also be attached.

    Anyway we should try not to have duplicate capabilities within the various SF forces. IMO

    – jungle warfare
    – counter insurgency
    – raid
    – urban warfare/hostage situation

    – littoral warfare
    – oil and gas facility defence
    – sea hostage situation

    – CSAR
    – JTAC

  2. We should not have role duplication but at times it can’t be avoided. All 3 units will have a anti-terrorist ability. Both PASKAL and the 11th Gerak Khas Regiment have a long range/behind the lines recce ability (a role also undertaken by the pair of Gerak Khas Commando battalions which strictly speaking are not SF units) and all 3 will have the ability to coordinate/call in close support. 11th Gerak Khas also has a riverine unit whose roles – on paper – overlap with PASKAL.

    Naturally there will be instances where specific roles are the exclusive domain of certain units. Only PASKAL has the ability to call in NGFS and it’s to be expected that PASKAU will train more for the anti-hijack role; although Gerak Khas also has the ability.

    On the Joint SF Command; it’s intended to be a platform in which the use of all 3 units are coordinated to avoid overlap and ensure that all 3 complement each other. It must not be a platform driven by bureaucratic red tape (like other set ups we have) and must be staffed with the right people; rather than political appointees or people places there for reasons other than merit.

  3. More observation of the 2 M4A1s (correct me if i am wrong)

    – FAB Defence GL-CORE CP buttstock
    – Magpul PMAG Gen M3 no window 30 round magazine with Magpul Ranger floor plate
    – FAB Defence MWG mag well grip
    – Magpul AFG angled fore grip
    – Holosun HS515GM red dot sight

    GGK M4A1
    – FAB Defence GL-CORE CP buttstock
    – Magpul PMAG Gen M3 no window 30 round magazine with Magpul Ranger floor plate
    – FAB Defence MOJO mag well grip with vigilante skull mask addition
    – Magpul AFG angled fore grip
    – FAB Defence or Magpul long ladder picatinny rubber rail covers.
    – EOTECH 552.A65 holographic sight

    With the almost similar accessories equipping both the PASKAL and GGK operator, does that mean there is a centralised equipment purchase through JSOC?

    Or simply one agent for the after market accessories

  4. There is also a unit (albeit a non military one) which has roles which a similar to military SF units : VAT 69. It’s the only SF unit in the country which was set up by the British SAS which later handed over the task to the Kiwi SAS.

    No idea if it’s still the case but it was organised along SAS lines; various “Squadrons” subdivided into “Troops’. The key difference is all the “Squadrons” were intended for small unit jungle operations. Like the SAS all VAT 69 people are para qualified and the unit has a anti terrorist tasking. I have no idea if the unit trains with army units but it to train regularly with U.S. SF detachments (pics were posted(.

  5. @ azlan

    ” it’s to be expected that PASKAU will train more for the anti-hijack role ”

    I am for the aircraft or bus anti-hijack role to be divested totally by PASKAU and GGK and pass the responsibility soley to UTK PDRM. I would prefer to mould PASKAU into malaysias premier JTAC/FAC unit. While GGK as a force that can operate deep in enemy territory, taking out strategic nodes (communication, electricity, water, logistics) or a force that would strike fear into non-state actors own backyard.

    ” roles which a similar to military SF units : VAT 69 ”

    With the end of the communist insurgency, the VAT 69 and senoi praaq has been underutilised. IMO they are best used to stop our big problem of illegal poaching. We should make it a KPI for VAT 69 to stop the illegal poaching problem once and for all.

    I would also make it a KPI for each of our infantry battalions to have at least 1 section on patrol at all times in their nearest forest reserve.

    We have these massive paid for manpower with the skills to patrol our forest reserves. No excuses really for lack of manpower to secure the safety of our forest reserves.

  6. … – “With the end of the communist insurgency, the VAT 69 and senoi praaq has been underutilised”

    Following the end of the 2nd Emergency not only the police but also the army and RMAF found it has much less things to do and had to reinvent themselves.

    Our problem has always been political. Guarding turf and the funding that comes with it. Same reason why we kept the GOF even though it has no clearly defined role. Same reason why we still have the Marine Police despite the MMEA. Same reason why in the army the “RMR mafia dominates things and has the most pull.

    … – “I would prefer to mould PASKAU into malaysias premier JTAC/FAC unit”

    I have zero Idea what you mean by “premiere” but all SF units must and should have the ability to call in and coordinate air support; it’s part and parcel of what they’ll undertake should things erupt – all should have the same level of capability. Nothing is written in stone that should a conflict erupt; circumstances will dictate that PASKAU finds itself in the position where it has to call in air strikes on a more regular basis than other units.

    ….- “am for the aircraft or bus anti-hijack role to be divested totally by PASKAU and GGK ”

    Maybe but 11th Gerak Khas is the army’s only SF unit and it would want (any unit from any service for that matter) to retain the role (for various reason) instead of enabling another unit from another service to totally take it over.

  7. @ azlan

    ” I have zero Idea what you mean by premiere ”

    What i meant is they would be the Center of excellence for JTAC/FAC operations. They would be the main JTAC/FAC human resource provider to the military. They would also be the PIC to train others such as PAC, GGK or PASKAL on JTAC/FAC.

    That in itself is a big task, which is why i would prefer PASKAU to concentrate on just CSAR and JTAC/FAC.

  8. … – “. They would be the main JTAC/FAC human resource provider to the military”

    Not an ideal situation as other units and services might find themselves more in need for that capability; compared to PASKAU. Your “Centre of Excellence” thing aside: calling and coordinating air support is something all SF units should be capable and comfortably with; not one specific unit.

    … – “is why i would prefer PASKAU to concentrate on just CSAR and JTAC/FAC”

    Having units focus on specific areas is great at maximising efficiency and avoiding duplication but it depends in what areas and it can also lead to the weakening or diluting of one’s resources.

    The army would also have a CSAR/SAR need for its requirements; a task enabled by Gerak Khas during the Emergency and at present.

  9. “They would be the main JTAC/FAC human resource provider to the military. They would also be the PIC to train others such as PAC, GGK or PASKAL on JTAC/FAC.”

    It makes sense for there to be a single school where JTAC courses are conducted.

    An argument can be made that the air force should be the one providing the JTAC courses. But it is not set in stone.

    It also does not have to be PASKAU per se that runs the JTAC courses. JTACs in maneuver units do not have to be SOF or PASKAU alumni. The vast majority of JTACs will have non-SOF backgrounds, so there is no requirement for SOF personnel to teach the skills per se, or for JTAC courses to teach SOF-type skills. . By extension there is no requirement for our JTAC “centre of excellence” to be a SOF unit.

  10. AM – “ But it is not set in stone”

    Indeed. There’s nothing to say that PASKAU will need the capability more than other units and that just because it’s a RMAF unit; it should be better qualified for the capability.

    Calling and coordinating close air support is something which should be a capability of every unit; irrespective of service. By right it should also be something every officer and NCO should be able to do even if they’re not in a SF unit (same goes with calling in arty).

    AM – “By extension there is no requirement for our JTAC “centre of excellence” to be a SOF unit”

    Apart from PASKAL and a waterborne capability; no unit should be a “centre of excellence” for anything …. Doing so dilutes not maximises capabilities and is not a ideal use of resources.

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