Its only around RM400 million

KUALA LUMPUR: What costs only RM400 million?. One hundred rounds of the latest version of the Amraams together with parts, spares and associated logistical equipment. Since money for the RMK10 is tight, I believe the best solution for the Armed Forces at the moment is to purchase war stocks and since we had only purchased 20 Amraams before, now its the best time to stock up on these missiles. We should also reserved another RM600 million or so to purchase additional Sidewinders and Harpoons at the same time. As for the Stingers and Avenger combo, maybe we should be looking at smaller numbers, however.
Further reading.

Chile � AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM Missiles

WASHINGTON, November 12, 2009 � The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Nov. 10 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Chile of 100 AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles and associated parts, equipment and logistical support worth approximately $145 million.

Chile � AVENGER Fire Units/STINGER Missiles

WASHINGTON, November 12, 2009 � The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Nov. 10 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Chile of 36 AVENGER Fire Units, 378 STINGER-Reprogrammable Micro-Processor (RMP) Block 1 Anti-Aircraft missiles, 12 STINGER Block 1 Buy-to-Fly missiles and associated parts, equipment and logistical support worth approximately $455 million.


Avenger unit firing a Stinger missileAvenger unit firing a Stinger missile
Avenger unit firing a Stinger missile

–Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (21)

  • The AMRAAM and the R-77 BVRM is equally equivalent to each other and Malaysia has many stock on the R-77. And I wonder if the US govt would sell AMRAAM to Malaysia in a high quantity as what we already know, the Singaporean will oppose to this plan.

    Marhalim: I also thought they got the R77 but when I met some people recently I am not too sure anymore. I dont think Singapore will oppose it but it will be the US govt that may not be willing to sell so many, but I make the suggestion as a benchmark price. 50 live Amraam plus 20 training ones would be good enough for the Hornet fleet unless we buy another squadron of Amraam-compatible MRCA, then we of course we need to reload....

  • i had seen a pics of the missiles along with other armaments of the SU-30MKM in Gong Kedak during RMAF anniversary dah last year. The Su-30mkm was line up along with it's armaments including R77, R73, R27, Kh-31 (anti-ship and anti-radar variants), and other smart bombs. Lost the pics since my PC caught Virus.....

    Marhalim: Are you sure its the R77 or AA-12 or the AA-10? During the open day at Subang last year, they also displayed the other missiles but not the AA-12. Only the AA-10 was displayed....

  • Yeah, i'm pretty sure it's the R77. It got a very distinct tail shape which open during flight. So i'm very positive it is....and i also got this, according to stockholm international peace research institute:
    1. R-77 - 100 FOR SU-30
    2. R-73 - 170 FOR MIG-29 & SU-30
    3. Kh-31A1/AS 17 - 80 FOR SU-30MKM
    4. R27 - 100 FOR MIG-29 & SU-30
    do not know, how reliable the institute source is.....

    Marhalim: I know about the SIPRI, I have quoted it before but I got the confirmation from...... official. He should know better than all of us combined. Sorry I cannot mentioned the name but lets just say that without him, our Russian jets will not ,,,,,,,

  • Err again i dont believe we have the R77 but then again...However additional AMRAAM would be good. I mean why not, plus as we are upgrading the hawk, theoretically the hawk radar could fire the AMRAAM. nah singapore dont need to worry about, why should they, uncle SAM and the union jack got their back all the way. Look at the North and our Nusantara cousin, that will be a different matter altogether

  • I have met some officers from TD who boasted to have seen surface to surface missiles that is being kept underground in Gemas Camp, always pointing south. The point is, some claims cannot be always verified when security matters plus general knowledge of some officers are very much in doubt. But its a very well intended and wise idea to purchase additional AMRAMMs as 20 odd missiles in stock are too little. If the yankees decline, we could always source from Europe e.g. IRIS-T

    Marhalim: I believe the IRIS T is a short range missile, while the MBDA claimed the Meteor is an Amraam equivalent, I am not sure it has been integrated on the Hornet....

  • As i am still recovering from Monday blues, this website seems to be the only one that make sense at this moment...anyway I was wondering for 36 units of avenger plus related equipments 455 million usd or about RM1.3 billion, is not it expensive for a VSHORAD system that can only sh0ot at max slant range of 5km in best case scenario? Though our previous choice of Jernas also not that far away from that price, at least it almost double the slant range (albeit not as mobile). Though cant verify my sources (internet only) The Pantsir with a slant range of 10km and with AA Gun, cost about USD15 million a unit while the Chinese copy of Crotale NG, FH90, with TRI seeker option IR, TV and SARH and 15 km slant range would cost even lesser than that. Al though cost is not the make or break factor, but arent we have adequate Vshorad system already straburst,FN6, Anza and SA-16 complemented by Jernas and array of short range radar . I believe we should expand to E-Shorad (range 6-20km) for that amount of money.

    Marhalim: Yes perhaps its more expensive than the rest of the competitors but its mobile and networked together. They are also buying the radars, which is part of another package,

    The Armed Forces is looking for a new Vshorads in the RMK10 but I doubt they have the money to include the purchase this time. The Jernas? What can I say, its looks nice on paper......The Starbust I believe will be time expired soon as does the Anzas...

    Western medium range SAMS are just too expensive for our budget while the Russian ones (I like the S300/S400) remained too Russian for our Western-oriented AD system...

  • Are we allowed to keep the AIM120Cs in-country if we choose to buy?

    Sorry for going off topic but i got to ask u this Marhalim, are there any truth about our clueless Defence Minister's plan to buy 6x6 APC from Indon's PINDAD? It is widely reported in Indon's website and blogs but no news of such in local front. Does anyone know?

    Marhalim: I have hear about the rumours. Its mostly due to the urgent requirement for a new APC for the Lebanon contingent. As I mentioned in my posting on the VABs, it will most probably be from French Army stocks. It is cheaper to ship them from France to Lebanon. There are others of course who say that after the first batch are ordered from the France, a second batch of the same APC will also be purchased, which some regarded as us buying the Pindads of course. But since the Army requirements are 8X8 APCs, I am regarding this as rumours only.

    Yes. The US will allow us to keep the Amraams, I just hope we buy enough so we can fire one once in a while.....

  • Ya I've heard about this before, but then the there will be many things to be checked before any procurement to be made between the PINDAD and Malaysian Govt.

    For me, I don't see any problem with the Condor and it still can serve for the country. It's only used for peacekeeping mission. So from the money we save we can buy maybe many weapon suite for the NGPVs or upgrading our current air defense system.

    Regarding the AMRAAM, I don't see any need for more AMRAAM at this time with most of our aircraft inventory is dominated by the RUSSIAN-made fighter aircraft only the Hornet and the Hawk has the capability to launch the AMRAAM. As for the Russian-made fighter, they already have the AMRAAM equivalent missile that's BVR-77 in their inventory. So no problem for this one. I think the most crucial part is for the navy. Ranging from the Inderapura replacement to the weapons suite for the NGPVs. I do think that the govt should consider the BrahMos missile for used by the armed forces.

    For the idea of buying armament from Indon, this will never be put into consideration as what we know those extremist will creatively making story of this matter and I as a Malaysian, I would oppose to this very bad idea. No more weapons from Indon. ya i know that, some will say that "how about the CN-235", and my answer is, "that's is the story of the past". Very obvious and clear isn't.

  • Syameer, we can still buy the CN-235 but from EADS CASA (as turkey and alot of other countries), and not from Indonesia.

  • How much actually a squadron of fighters basically made of Marhalim? the minimum numbers that is....

    Marhalim: It depends on the user. The Hornet squadron has only 8 aircraft while the Sukhoi one is 18 and the Mig has two squadron for 16 planes....Usually a fighter sqdn is made of 12 aircraft but then it also depend on how the accountants are willing to pay for the CO/XO/Engineering Off/Admin off and such. Technically the Sukhoi squadron can be divided into two sqdn but then they have to pay for two COs and etc....
