Its Muara Tebas near Kuching for Mawilla 4

A screenshot of Google Map with the location of Muara Tebas. Opposite of Muara Tebas is Tanjung Embang, the location for the new Kuching airport.

SHAH ALAM: It appears that the long-delayed RMN Regional Command Headquarters Four or Markas Wilayah Empat (Mawilla 4) in Sarawak will be built at Muara Tebas district. The district is located on the edge of the Sarawak river estuary into the South China Sea. Chief of Defence Forces General Nizam Jaafar said today that the Muara Tebas location was more suitable for logistical reasons than the original site in Bintulu.

In August, last year, Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin was reported as saying that the site for Mawilla 4 will be at Samalaju township in Bintulu.

The deal for the RMN base is the final stages of negotiations with the Sarawak government for the premium (cost) of the land, Khaled said during a visit to Kuching, Sarawak on August 8. He met with Sarawak Premier TS Abang Johari Openg.

Khaled told reporters that Abang Johari agreed the base and its command – Regional Command Headquarters 4 or MAWILLA 4 – be built at Samalaju which was near the Kawasari gas fields and Beting Patinggi Ali in the Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone in the South China Sea.

A screenshot of Google Map showing the location of Muara Tebas district and Kuching.

From Borneo Online:

SERIAN (March 23): The site for the new naval base Mawilla 4 will be relocated to Muara Tebas in Kuching from Bintulu, said Defence Force chief Gen Datuk Mohd Nizam Jaffar.

He confirmed that the site for the naval base has been approved by the Sarawak government and revealed plans to visit Muara Tebas tomorrow as part of the initial steps to commence construction.

“Previously, the site was proposed for Bintulu, but after discussions with the state government, it was agreed that the site for Mawilla 4 would be relocated to Muara Tebas due to various factors,” he said during a press conference after his visit at the Op Keris Parang area in Balai Ringin here this morning.

Mohd Nizam explained that the relocation considered cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and water conditions.

He added that Muara Tebas offers a more conducive environment for naval operations, allowing reduced maintenance expenses and improved infrastructure compared to Bintulu.

An overhead shot of the Samalaju deep port by KTA Sarawak Sdn Bhd, the builder of the port.

It must be noted that the Muara Tebas is the location of the MMEA headquarters in Sarawak. It is also opposite to the proposed site of the new Kuching international airport. As the Samalaju site already has a deep port work to build the RMN base there will be shorter compared to a newly built one in Muara Tebas. It must be noted that Muara Tebas will be the third site to be chosen for Mawilla 4, the first was the Bintulu port, some two decades ago.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2406 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Looks like Sarawak Govt wants protection to be from a social angle (where its more visible to Kuching folks) rather than prioritising Federal economic angle (easier to escort/rescue commercial shipping into Samalaju & Bintulu).

    But being a muara sungai, wouldnt having it with MMEA base close by makes it more congested & harder to maneuver with both teams moving in & out their ships?

  2. I am worried some politics of Sarawak vs Malaya are in play here as tactical wise, Samalaju is the most suitable location for naval base instead of Muara Tebas. All our oil and gas platforms are all in these areas where China Coast Guard consistently encroached.

    Samalaju is a deep seaport that can cater for big ship.

    Muara Tebas is a mix of river and seaport that need dredging due to the silt from Sarawak river.

    But I hope both parties can finalise it soonest as Sarawak urgently need naval base to protect our territory and resources.

  3. Austin – “I am worried some politics of Sarawak vs Malaya are in play here as tactical wise”

    Of course there is a political angle. How could there possibility not be one given huge significance at play.

  4. Tanjung Embang is the location of both Sarawak new international airport and also the new deep sea port.

    So there are many strategic reasons why TLDM base should be in Muara Tebas rather than in Samalaju Bintulu. Personally i would prefer TLDM base to be in Muara Tebas Kuching rather than in Bintulu for strategic reasons.

    IMO the new TLDM Muara Tebas base should also have the infrastructure and facilities for supporting tentera darat sea logistics transfer between east and west malaysia.

    When the new Tanjung Embang International airport is completed, i would prefer the current Kuching airport to be transformed into a dedicated military airbase.

  5. In the powerplay between Sarawak & PH Govt, I have more faith & trust in Abang Jo than PMX et al.

  6. What is a “dedicated military airbase”? The RMAF occupies an area within the airport, on shared ground. “A dedicated military base” is great but given that a new RMN base is being built and other things are being done, hardly any cash for a major upgrade of Kuching as a base.

    … – “the new TLDM Muara Tebas base should also have the infrastructure and facilities”

    What else is needed apart from piers which are long and deep enough, plus a good road connection. There are also various other ports in both states and that base is only useful if stuff is being sent to that part of Sarawak.

  7. … “So there are many strategic reasons why TLDM base should be in Muara Tebas rather than in Samalaju Bintulu”

    There could also be strategic reasons why Bintulu be selected. Depends on where the action is. Unless I’m mistaken the whole idea behind Bintulu was it enabled ops to be supported in a certain area, including Luconia Shoals or Patinggi Ali.

  8. Well I guess the fed can cross the Bintulu AF barebone base project as well then since Kuching is moving it’s airport which mean the current airports can be turn into an AF base or better ask Sarawak to build an AF base on their new airport

  9. ” What else is needed apart from piers which are long and deep enough, plus a good road connection ”

    vehicle staging space

    warehouses to store prepositioned equipments

    Shelters to pack and unpack equipments for sea journeys.

    specialized vehicles and equipments for moving military cargo.

    ” hardly any cash for a major upgrade of Kuching as a base ”
    Not saying anything about upgrades. Just to designate the whole airport into a dedicated military base, not letting the airport to be redeveloped for housings etc.

    ” Bintulu was it enabled ops to be supported in a certain area, including Luconia Shoals or Patinggi Ali ”
    You want your ships to be operating at a hotspot, but not your precious naval base to be so vulnerably close (just about 80km) to a hotspot (beting serupai, the so called southern most chinese land, that is actually 20m under the sea). So in all, i say that this is a correct call to have the TLDM base in Sarawak to be based in Kuching rather than in Bintulu.

  10. .. . – “want your ships to be operating at a hotspot, but not your precious naval base to be so vulnerably close (just about 80km) to a hot spot”

    There are strategic benefits with both sites. Bintulu is great because ships placed there can be on station in Luconia Shoals in a short time.

    As for your “vulnerable”, to what exactly? Are we referring to a peacetime situation or a wartime one. Because if it’s a war time one, having the base 2000km away might not make a difference.

    … – “this is a correct call to have the TLDM base in Sarawak to be based in Kuching rather than in Bintulu”

    Depending on the operational circumstances. If obviously a ship is urgently needed off Bintulu but is tied alongside a pier at Kuching then quite very obviously it won’t be an idea situation.

    … – “into a dedicated military base”

    What’s the point in having a “dedicated military base” if cash is lacking to upgrade and expand the facilities?

    warehouses to store prepositioned equipments

    Shelters to pack and unpack equipments for sea journeys.

    … – “specialized vehicles and equipments for moving military cargo”

    Every single RMN base or port has these facilities, to one extent or the other.

  11. Ok then after muara tebas then samalaju… So Muara tebas is a Mawilla 4 HQ n samalaju become foward bases..

  12. ” Depending on the operational circumstances. If obviously a ship is urgently needed off Bintulu but is tied alongside a pier at Kuching then quite very obviously it won’t be an idea situation ”

    A big reason why we need to have large ships with the rule of thirds, why i plan my alternative force structure 2040 with the rule of thirds.

    3 ships needed to have 1 ship always operationally out at sea 24/7/365

    1 out on patrol
    1 back from patrol, rest, maintenance
    1 on standby, ready to go out on patrol×4096

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