SHAH ALAM: Back in January 2022, Malaysian Defence posted that the Defence Ministry was seeking a company to ship from overseas, some 1,000 units of the VHF section radios for the Army. The MTO tender confirmed what sources said that Sapura Thales Electronics – the incumbent supplier of tactical radio – had lost the tender to supply the VHF section radios. Malaysian Defence did not name the make of the tactical radios.

Yesterday, the Defence Ministry issued an infographic (main picture and below) with a picture of the VHF section radio without naming the make. The infographic stated: The Army had taken delivery of 1,000 VHF section set for tactical communications operations on January 23 2023.

Based on the infographic, one can identify it as a Harris tactical radio and it is likely the Falcon III AN/PRC-152A handheld radios. The graphic also showed that the soldier using the radio being equipped with a tablet as well.

One wonder whether it is also the Harris RF-3590 ruggedized tablet. The company described the tablet as
a small, Android-based device that weighs just two pounds and was designed as a “a secure, portable device that delivers a ‘smartphone-like’ experience to military personnel

It is also interesting to note that Army has tendered for 40 VHF manpack and 40 VHF vehicular radios as well 40 UHF manpack and 40 UHF vehicular radios. The tender for the above was published in September last year but no decision has been made. Apart from the Army, a tender for similar radios, 50 UHF/VHF handheld; 2 UHF/VHF vehicular and 50 U/VHF manpacks this time specifically for the Special Forces Group or Grup Gerak Khas was also published at the same time. Like the one for the big Army, no decision has been made.

The third radio tender, for the Army Air Wing (PUTD) was for three U/VHF manpack and three U/VHF vehicular was also issued at the same time. High Point World Wide Sdn Bhd was named as the winner of the tender though the notice did not reveal the contract price.

One wonder whether High Point had bid with another type of radio as the winner of the section radio was another company, Mindmatics Sdn Bhd.
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Is every soldier in a section equipped with a radio?
It depends on the unit really but not all are equipped with the radios
We had previously bought small quantities of Harris radios for selected units.
Interesting with the tablet. Does it mean that radio set is not just a simple 2 way voice transceiver but it would also able to receive tactical data?
Yes most of the current tactical radios have the capability