SHAH ALAM: Naval Group and PT Pal on March 28 signed a contract with the Indonesian government to built two Scorpene Evolved submarines. Naval Group is a state owned company of France while PT PAL shipyard is also owned by the Indonesia government .
The two Scorpene Evolved submarines will be built PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya.
The release:
Naval Group and PT PAL have signed a contract with Indonesia for 2 locally built Scorpène® Evolved Full LiB submarines
On March 28th 2024, Indonesia chose Naval Group and PT PAL to strengthen the capabilities of the Indonesian Navy with two Scorpène® Evolved Full Lithium-Ion battery (LiB) submarines to be built in Indonesia in PT PAL shipyard, through a transfer of technology from Naval Group.
A new step in the strategic partnership with Indonesia
In accordance with the Defence Cooperation Agreement signed between the governments of France
and Indonesia in August 2021, the Indonesian authorities have chosen Naval Group and PT PAL for
their submarine program. The two companies had joined forces through a Strategic Partnership
Agreement (SPA) signed in February 2022.The contract includes the delivery of two Scorpène® Evolved Full LiB submarines that will be built in Indonesia within PT PAL shipyard, thanks to a proven transfer of know-how and technology from Naval Group, and reusing 100% of PT PAL assets.
“Naval Group is very honoured to be part of this new chapter in the strategic alliance between Indonesia and France. With Scorpène® Evolved Full LiB, Indonesia has chosen a high-performant, sea-proven submarine that will strengthen the country’s maritime sovereignty and support the Indonesian Navy in achieving regional superiority at sea. In addition to the submarines, our strategic partnership with PT PAL will also support the Indonesian defence industry to actively prepare the future of naval warfare in the country. We are pleased to welcome the Indonesian Navy in the Scorpène® family”, Pierre Éric Pommellet, Chairman and CEO of Naval Group.
Dr. Kaharuddin Djenod, President Director of PT PAL said: “This step is a high commitment and trust of the Indonesian government in the capability of local engineers to advancing defence technology,
especially submarine technology. The government’s commitment in realizing the independence of the
defence industry is also supported by the provision of Government Capital (PMN) to fully support the whole local production of submarine at PT PAL. In the future, Indonesia is expected to be able to master submarine technology.”Scorpène® Evolved, a high-performant attack submarine equipped with a cutting-edge energy system
Scorpène® is a modern, high-performant, and stealthy submarine. Robust and enduring, it’s an oceangoing submarine also designed for shallow waters operations. Multipurpose, it fulfils the entire scope of
missions such as anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, special operations, and intelligence
gathering. Extremely stealthy and fast, it has a level of operating automation that allows a limited number of crew, which reduces its operating costs significantly. Its combat edge is highlighted by the fact that it has 6 weapon launching tubes, 18 weapons (torpedoes, missiles).Scorpène® is equipped with the latest generation of combat system, SUBTICS®, which addresses the
growing challenges of modern submarines missions in blue and shallow waters in the entire domain of
submarine warfare.
The Indonesian Scorpène® submarines will be fitted with a cutting-edge energy system based on a full lithium-ion configuration which encompasses the highest security and safety standards and allows a higher range of useful energy, a better indiscretion rate and a reduced charging time. Thanks to this technology, high speed is available no matter the state of charge, increasing the submarine tactical mobility.In addition to these two Indonesian Scorpene® submarines, 14 other units designed and adapted by
Naval Group for the export market are in operational service or under construction around the world: 2 for the Chilean Navy, 2 for the Malaysian Navy, 4 for the Brazilian Navy and 6 for the Indian Navy. These successes demonstrate both Naval Group’s ability to supply best-in-class submarines and to transfer
technology successfully.The final configuration of the submarine is adapted to meet the specific needs of navies and incorporate the latest innovations.
— Malaysian Defence
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Congratulations to Indonesia on the contract signing. Welcoming another user of Scorpene to the region.
Indian Navy has used TLDM sepanggar Scorpene training center before. Will we see TNI-AL submariners in Sepanggar soon?
One of our Scorpenes will be going for its 2nd overhaul in the near future. Can we fit Li-ion batteries instead of lead acid during the refit?
I dont think we can li-ion batteries on our submarines as this would entail a complete reworking of the submarine especially the wiring.
Nothing to do with batteries, but I asked around a few years back about replacing the submarine periscope with the latest non-penetrating ones. The answer was negative as this would affect the balance of the submarine which would entail a redesign, much too expensive to be part of a routine refit.
Good news too for Malaysia. Naval group will now stop selling the lead battery Scorpenes. Therefor, even if they can be retrofitted, the next batch of Scorpenes for the RMN will have lithium batteries.
It takes Mazagon dock India almost 15 years to build the scorpene. Goodluck PT PAL.
Btw our scorpene can be retrofitted with Li-Ion batteries but off course it will cost a lot of money. We can always opt for AIP though.
Though the scorpene evolved is in the same family as the shortfin barracuda as supposed to ours.
Another prime example of things appearing to be sound and easy on paper but expensive and troublesome from an engineering/technical perspective. The reason why various feasibility studies we did remained just that. Wasn’t worth the cost and effort.
The lithium ion battery (LiB) is not all sunshines & rainbows. It still have its drawbacks though it is lighter & cheaper to maintain than AIP. However, LIB technology for submarines does have its drawbacks. In an August 2019 article for The Strategist, Paul Greenfield notes that the technology still has to overcome problems such as chemical stability, capacity reduction over time, internal short-circuiting, and potential thermal runaway leading to catastrophic fires. We on the other hand already have thr scorpene to monitor our EEZ. It is a cheaper deterrent than a long range missile system. The previous administration of Najib Razak really did Malaysia a great service although the program was tainted with corruption scandals but our scorpene is on active duty & it works. TNI-AL have found serious drawbacks from its Chang Bogo class subs. Its batteries & propulsions are inadequate despite many other manufacturing defects. Which is why they want the scorpene badly. Building a modern submarine is no easy task & it will have problems & delays. And it will cost more money.
Lithium-Ion technology is magnitudes more simpler than AIP technology, which has been retrofitted many times before in other submarine classes. Lithium-Ion technology is constantly evolving and improving due to its widespread use, unlike AIP which is exclusively used on submarines. As long as the new battery can fit into the original space and form of the old Lead Acid batteries, it could technically be made to work.
Lots of civilian yachts has removed their original lead -acid battery banks and fitted lithium-Ion batteries. Yes, there will be changes needed to the submarine, but it will not be as major and as complex as retrofitting AIP system into a submarine.
Retrofitting Lithium-Ion to Scorpenes is not something no one wants to do. On the contrary, Indian navy is said to be interested retrofitting Lithium-Ion batteries for its lead Scorpene submarine, INS Kalvari for its first refit in end 2024/early 2025.
Interesting so if the RMN want to add another subs in the future might as well go for li-ion battery powered subs like japanese soryu or maybe swedish blekinge? 6th soryu class,js toryu are price at estimated 540m usd perunit
@ Qamarul Arifin
” In an August 2019 article for The Strategist, Paul Greenfield notes that the technology still has to overcome problems ”
That is 5 years ago. What iPhone model is there in August 2019? iPhone XR (iPhone 11 came out in Sept 2019). Now the latest model is iPhone 15Pro.
As is the iPhone, Li-Ion technology has moved on greatly since then.
@ Firdaus
” if the RMN want to add another subs in the future ”
I would prefer more Scorpene Evolved, with our current 2 Scorpenes upgraded to the same/similar standard.
We are a littoral sub operator. Jap subs are built for deep/blue water ops; like RAN subs; hence their displacement and other things.
Like the Type 209, Type 206 and other subs the Scorpene is not intended for littoral ops; for users which do not require a sub to have a certain internal capacity, range and endurance.
Have no idea what sub the RMN will eventually get in the future but like the army’s MBTs and the RMAF’s MRCAs the sub will obviously be an improvement over the current pair of boats which are essentially 1990’s tech.
Qamarul – “ It is a cheaper deterrent than a long range missile system. The previous administration of Najib Razak really did Malaysia”
Subs and missiles are 2 different things for different purposes.
The sub requirement was registered in the 1980’s when Mahathir was PM and was ordered when he was PM. We had actually – up initially – registered interest with the Type 214/216 but the French had the political edge.
Qamarul – “ Building a modern submarine is no easy task & it will have problems & delays”
If it’s part of a well thought out long term plan with a clear assessment of what’s intended to be achieved it’s worth the exercise. If however it’s intended for bragging rights and for political reasons and then no. Which is why unless we can commit to getting subs over a certain period and other things; locally assembling them gives zero tangible benefits apart from adding to the yard’s coffers and bragging rights. We have no economics of scale and by the time we get around to assembling a 2nd sub the knowledge from the 1st assembly would have been lost. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.
… – “ I would prefer more Scorpene Evolved, with our current 2 Scorpenes upgraded to the same/similar standard”
No doubt you would but in a few years fine a lot could happen and if we do get Scorpene Evolved bringing the 1st two to the same standard might be a wee bit problematic from a technical perspective and is dependent on us being willing to spend what’s needed.
Azlan-Subs and missiles are 2 different things for different purposes.
From a certain point of view yes. I was trying to put the EEZ & 9 dash lines situation into context (for Indonesia) I mean purchasing submarines to monitor overlapping territorial claims in south china sea is a lot cheaper than installing a long range missile systems. Looking at our Aseans neighbors all buffing up their defenses but we are still stucked with this LCS bullshit. Nobody got the guts to say “terminate the program” or “freeze it UFN”. Until funding is available or alternate funding can be substituted. Its depressing lol
“Najib Razak really did Malaysia a great service although the program was tainted with corruption scandals”
It was Mahathir order and thus a Mahathir scandal but PM Najib had to take the fall for it coz it blew when he was PM.
Qamarul – “From a certain point of view yes”
From any objective point of view and BTW missiles are inherent cheaper/less resource intensive than subs.
Qamarul – “terminate”
Cancelling the programme is not as easy as it sounds. Lots of implications to be considered.