Categories 1Malaysia

India Purchases 12 AW101 for RM2.82 billion

KUALA LUMPUR: The story below is self-explainatory but it appears that the price that was offered by AgustaWestland for the Nuri Replacement Tender was almost spot on. I believed the price by AgustaWestland for the NRP was around RM2 billion plus while the winning bid, the Cougar was around RM1.6 billion. Of course the Cougar order is still pending due to our budgetary constraints.

As the Indian order is for the VVIP version, I am assuming that, specification wise, it is different from ours, which is for utiility and CSAR.The Indian deal may appear costlier at first glance but it includes a five-year maintainance plan and the mandatory training package. Our cheaper price for the AW101, did not include the extensive logistics package so actually the Indian purchase is cheaper than our offer price.

Strengthening AgustaWestland’s Growth Strategy For the Indian Market

15:49 GMT, March 11, 2010 AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that a contract has been signed by the Government of India for the acquisition of twelve AW101 helicopters that will perform government transport duties. The contract, valued at around € 560 million, includes an extensive five year logistic support service and initial aircrew and technician training. Over 180 AW101 helicopters have been ordered by customers around the world so far to perform a wide range of government, public service and military missions. The AW101 has logged nearly 200,000 flight hours in service in Italy, UK, Denmark, Portugal, Japan and Canada whilst delivering exceptional performance and high levels of safety.

–Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (10)

  • Interesting, what ever the final decision, either major upgrades for the S61 or outright brand new purchase, hope they conclude it soon

  • Marhalim, do you know what was the rationale behind getting both the Dauphin and AW-139 for the MMEA? A report that came out a year ago stated that the AW-139's would be based in Kuantan.

  • Can suggest korean surion'KUH' and brazilian made KC-390 transport aircraft, maybe cheaper.

  • Fadiman, largely due to its price tag, the
    C-130J has received its fair share of flak.
    The argument is that for what it offers, its overpriced. Its price tag aside the C-130J is however based on a well proven platform unlike the A400M, KUH or KC-930. As the RMAF has been operating the C-130H for close to 30 years, going for the C-130J would make more sense, rather than unproven alternatives.

    Offtopic - does anyone here know if the SLR as used by the Malaysian army, could be used in the full automatic mode like most SLRs or like British issued SLRs could only fire single bursts single burst and on semi-automatic?

    Marhalim: I have no idea Lan, as when I was old enough to hold a gun, the SLR had been retired replaced by the HK33 and M16. I dont think its a good idea to shoot a 30 caliber rifle on full auto unless you got it firmly on the ground with a bipod like the GPMG. I believe ours was semi-auto only....

  • I heard SLR is more punch the hole than 7.62 AK-47, ist true? mostly in the market on AK brother has the 7.62 but US and NATO has 5.56, last time im seen Beretta M468 6.8 in TV, is equal to AK-47....

  • Marhalim, sometimes back you mentioned Malaysian gove was hoping to get some choppers from younger big brother. With the Brits planning to take out the Comando(Upgrated/Upgraded S61) and replace it with the merlin, would these comando choppers be heading our shores? Did some check up, apparently these comando choppers were built in the early late 80's and were upgraded few times, but i guess they may have long working hours for the Brits to retire them.Well if it is a possibility, may be can ask for them for some of the retired rapier? heheheh

  • For fire section support, the army also had the L2A1 with a ''heavy barrel'' and bipod. Up to the late 70's or early 80's, units also had the Bren, rechambered for 7.62mm.

    According to Gun Zone, HK in 1980 shipped parts for 55,000 HK-33s to Malaysia. I'm surprised there was a facility in Malaysia in 1980 to assemble rifles?

  • Had an interesting encounter with a 79 year old police veteran today. He was posted to Brunei and was there during the Azahari revolt.
    During the Emergency he was caught in 3 ambushes but was unhurt. As a reminder of how ''dirty'' wars and counter insurgency campaigns can be, and how war brings out the best and worst of people, he mentioned an incident he witnessed during the Emergency where Fijian troops raped 3 captured communist females.....

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