Il est le Rafale, April Fools 2017

KUALA LUMPUR: Il est le Malaisie a choisi le Dassault Rafale comme le gagnant pour le programme d’avions de combat multi-rôle.Le contrat de l’ordre de 18 avions doit être signé avril 1. 2020 à Putrajaya, une déclaration du CPM dit aujourd’hui. Une option pour un autre 18 est en cours de négociation.

Le contrat vaut RM8 milliards qui comprend le soutien et la formation. Le premier avion devrait être livré avril 1, 2022.

Affichage sur Subang Rafale

Un contrat distinct pour les munitions d’avions sera signé avril 1, 2021. Parmi les munitions à un commandés sont MBDA Meteor BVRAAM, MBDA MICA IR/ RF AAM, MBDA AM-39 Exocet Block III et l’ASM, MBDA SCALP ASM.

Une photo dans un Rafale armes standard F3R charge, l’AASM Hammer pour les missions de frappe et MICA et missiles Meteor pour le travail air-air et des réservoirs de carburant supplémentaires. C’est cette version étant vantée en Malaisie et ne sera disponible l’année prochaine.

Également à l’étude est le Safran Marteau SBU-34; SBU-54 et SBU-64 si la décision n’a pas encore été finalisé.

Dans le cadre de ses obligations de compensation, les entreprises françaises investiront RM20 milliards, principalement dans les industries liées à l’aérospatiale. Quelque 30.000 nouveaux emplois seront créés par avis Ces investissements.

Cet article est traduit par Google Translate.

– Défense Malaysian

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About Marhalim Abas 2364 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Oh, my god.

    Its finally over. Like I said, it not just the cost of the jets but we get in return as part of the offset package. Hollande had a whole bag of cash and tricks!!

  2. A lot can happen between 2017 to 2020….economically and financially

  3. By 1st April 2025 RMAF will have 2 sqdn of Rafale, 3 sqdn of Hornet merry family and a sqdn of mkm.. finally.. 6 full sqdns of mrca for malaisie.. viva la malaisie

  4. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia has chosen the Dassault Rafale as the winner for the multi-role combat aircraft program. The contract of the order of 18 aircraft is due to be signed April 1. 2020 in Putrajaya, CPM statement said today. One option for another 18 is being negotiated.

    The contract is worth RM8 billion which includes support and training. The first aircraft should be delivered April 1, 2022.

    A separate contract for ammunition for aircraft will be signed on April 1, 2021. Among the ammunition to one ordered are MBDA Meteor BVRAAM, MBDA MICA IR / RF AAM, MBDA AM-39 Exocet Block III and ASM MBDA SCALP ASM.

    Also under study is the Safran Hammer SBU-34; SBU-54 and SBU-64 if the decision has not yet been finalized.

    As part of its offsetting obligations, French companies will invest RM20 billion, mainly in the aerospace-related industries. Some 30,000 new jobs will be created by notice These investments.

    – Malaysian Defense


  5. GST 1st of April…This also on the 1st of April… just had to didn’t you?

  6. TomTom, you mean this? :V

    April 2/17: French officials have told media that the Malaysian government is in exclusive negotiations with Dassault for their MiG-29 replacement program, indicating that the company’s Rafale fighter has won out against BAE’s offering of the Eurofighter Typhoon. Malaysia is looking to purchase 18 new combat aircraft — likely to be in the region of $2 billion — to replace the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s squadron of Russian MiG-29 combat planes, nearly half of which are grounded. The decision to move forward with Dassault follows last week’s visit by French President Francois Hollande.

  7. Hahaha. Article posted on April 1st. All the dates (contract sign, delivery etc.) are all on April 1st. April fool guys! Only the fools will believe this. 😂😂😂

  8. /#@!!!

    The way Malaysian drive, just put up the denda for speeding on PLUS and the budget deficit will be gone in no time.

  9. Fines are not a fix for a weak economy or national interests bloating prices and screwing up projects. Admit it, we have many systemic problems.

  10. It’s history repeating itself all again. In the early 2000’s Dassault tried with the Mirage 2000 and a flew one here to Subang for a demonstration. To date the only product Dassault has sold to the RMAF was a Falcon VIP configured jet – like other VIP configured aircraft owned by the PM’s Department. Only time will tell if Dassault has more luck this time around. In the early 2000’s Dassault’s campaign in Singapore included “omnirole” ads on public buses.

    Just because Dassault is in talks with the government, because Dassault official’s sound very upbeat or because a VIP says something positive about Rafale doesn’t mean Rafale will end up being ordered; a lot of things can happen. In the past there was also very positive things said about Typhoon.

    People tend to overlook that it’s politics followed by money that is the issue. Even if we had the cash now but the political situation wasn’t right; there would be no order. There is also the matter of whether France or Britain is more important as far as trade and other national issues are concerned; as well as as which country has more influence here at the moment.

  11. @Azlan & @…

    Having read both your arguments I can somehow conclude that since we have no $$$ the best bet now is to just resell the Migs back to Russia and get 10 ex Kuwait Hornets.

    Where RMAF just upgrade it with AESA radar, jamming pods etc then we good to go.


  12. So after all the hustle, is this news legit or not? The French has a known tendency for over-hyping & premature celebration after all… If this is true, suddenly France has become the top supplier to MAF, from navy to air force…

  13. Boy o boy is that old colonial master going to blow a fuse or two if this is true… Right after its bird just lost out to the French’s in that ex-imperial crown jewel theirs…

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