Guardian APC Ready for Delivery to PGA

IAG Guardian Extreme APC for PGA. PDRM

SHAH ALAM: The four IAG Guardian Extreme APC for the General Operations Force/Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) of the Royal Malaysian Police is now ready for delivery. A four-day pre-delivery inspection (PDI) was conducted in UAE. IGP TS Razarudin Husain was also involved in the PDI together with the service’s transport division and the supplier, Global Komited Sdn Bhd.

As reported previously, the Guardian selected for the tender, published in June 2023 are the Extreme variant with five doors. Global Komited has supplied the three-door variant of the Guardians to Malbatt contingent in Unifil.

IGP TS Razarudin Husain receiving a model of the Guardian APC during his visit to the IAG facility. The model is fitted with a gun shield as specified in the requirements of the APC tender. PDRM.

Checks on the MOF tender website revealed that the Global Komited was awarded with an LOA of RM10.720 million for the tender. This means that the Guardians cost some RM2.675 million each, which includes the cost of the PDI. Even with this extra cost, the PGA APC is much cheaper than the Lipan Bara for the Army. The PDI also meant that the time between the contract award (January 22 2024), and delivery (presume March 15) is only 13 months and 25 days.
The four IAG Guardian Extreme APC for PGA. PDRM

If it is purchased for the HMAV requirement, a two hundred vehicle order will only cost RM535 million (could be cheaper if we bought them directly (without agent) and in bulk), enough for the vehicle-challenged five Royal Armoured Regiments. A fifty-vehicle order annually will only cost RM133 million and change.
The IAG Guardian Extreme APC with its top hatch open. PDRM

Apart from the cost, no Malaysian vehicle manufacturer, would be able to meet the deadline met by IAG, the supplier to Global Komited. This means that for the next order, a Malaysian vehicle manufacturer, will need to start manufacturing their vehicles now to be able to meet the same delivery timelines. Is this economically feasible? Of course, not. This is of course, the reason IAG met the deadline as they build these vehicles in bulk without waiting for firm orders.
The IAG Guardian Extreme APC showing its off-road capabilities. PDRM.

Emiriah Arab Bersatu, 16 Februari 2025 – Ketua Polis Negara (KPN), IG Tan Sri Razarudin Husain hari ini menghadiri Sesi Pre-delivery Inspection (PDI) untuk empat kenderaan jenis Armoured Personel Carrier (APC) bagi penugasan Pasukan Gerakan Am (PGA) Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) yang diadakan di International Armoured Group (IAG), Ras Al-Khaimah, di sini.
Lawatan pemeriksaan yang bermula pada 15 hingga 19 Februari itu diadakan bagi memastikan kenderaan yang dibekalkan oleh pembekal (Global Komited Sdn. Bhd.) adalah mematuhi spesifikasi yang ditetapkan sebagaimana dalam perjanjian sebelum sesi penghantaran dan pemeriksaan akhir di depoh kenderaan PDRM.
Lawatan tersebut dimulakan dengan taklimat ringkas kepada delegasi PDRM oleh President of IAG, Dr. Anton Stefov mengenai pengenalan syarikat pengeluar kenderaan dan Chief Executive Officer, Global Komited Sdn. Bhd., Datuk Ir. Mohd Nasser Israil yang memberi taklimat berkenaan kenderaan yang dibekalkan.
Tan Sri Razarudin bersama delegasi turut berkesempatan melawat kilang dan membuat pemeriksaan fizikal terhadap kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut.
Sejurus selesai, Tan Sri Razarudin bersama delegasi berpeluang menaiki sendiri kenderaan jenis APC itu bagi melihat sendiri kemampuan dan kelasakkan kenderaan yang bakal digunakan kelak.
Terdahulu, perolehan beberapa kenderaan tersebut telah diluluskan di bawah peruntukan Rancangan Malaysia ke-12 (RMKe-12) dan akan digunakan oleh PGA bagi mempertingkatkan tahap keselamatan negara terutamanya bagi mengekang pencerobohan di sempadan negara.

On the move. PDRM

During his visit to the IAG facility, the IGP was also briefed on the company other products including armoured SUVs. A tender for two armoured SUVs for VVIPs was published on January 23 and closed on February 13.
IGP being briefed on an armoured SUV manufactured by IAG.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2403 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. IAG basically build a number of its products for stock, so basically you can buy a guardian off the showroom floor.

    Those guardian extreme cost, including all the visits to dubai are about 1/3rd the cost of a single lipanbara.
    Lipanbara costs RM140.98 for 20 units in 2016. Actually if you buy the lipanbara straight from Chaiseri, the price is similar to the guardian extreme.

    As for the KAD Cavalry regiment HMAV requirements, i personally believe that a smaller wheeled armoured vehicle that is mainly missionised as a reconnaissance vehicle is a better fit for the requirements (the HMLTV) rather than an APC/MRAP like the Guardian Extreme or Lipanbara. For a 200 vehicle requirement, a ceiling price of RM500 million would be exceptable, but i would prefer a vehicle such as the JLTV, Nurol NMS or Otokar Cobra II for the KAD Cavalry regiment HMLTV requirements. If the budget is less, even the cheap KIA KLTV (around RM500k each) would be okay.

    So each KAD cavalry regiments have a mix of 2 types (Gempita, HMLTV)

    The available gempita’s for the cavalry regiments are

    78x IFV30
    54x LCT30 (Ingwe)

    I would prefer to transfer all the VINGTAQs equipment from the Gempita to the lighter HMLTV. Those 24 SURV gempitas then converted to command variants.

    If divided by 5 regiments, each regiment would have
    16x IFV30
    10x LCT30
    4x Command (converted from SURV)

    Lets say each of 5 KAD regiments will get 28 Gempita’s

    A KAD regiment then will consist of
    – Skn Markas (4 Gempita Command, 2 Gempita LCT30, 8 HMLTV)
    – Skn Alpha (8 Gempita IFV30, 4 Gempita LCT30)
    – Skn Bravo (8 Gempita IFV30, 4 Gempita LCT30)
    – Skn Charlie (12 HMLTV RCWS, 4 HMLTV SURV VINGTAQs)
    – Support Skn (4 HMLTV ATGM, 4 HMLTV RCWS, 4 HMLTV 120mm mortar, 4 HMLTV Ambulance)
    – Skn Worksyop Armor (2 Gempita Fitter, 2 Volvo wrecker)

    So in total 200 HMLTV required (40 x 5 regiments)

    In 2023 Estonia signed for 100 Nurol NMS for USD60 million. So the RM500mil budget for 200 vehicles can be done.

  2. Is the HMAV + HMLTV still on the table? After the big push seems like things died down. Heck since were going the leasing chopper route, why not also lease deal these vehicles. After all their both coming from the same company.

  3. What news? AFAIK funding for MRSS will be in RMK13 so any talk right now – possible design etc – is premature. As with the MRCA 5G, the wish list is a long one, and priorities could change.

    Anyhow, with Turkiye getting contracts already for RMN and MMEA, it is likely we will go with Indonesia, which we have been trying to do for ten years now. We could buy the CMS and 30mm guns from Turkiye to ease some pain.

  4. I am still saying no to MRSS.

    3x MRSS will suck tons of DE budget from TLDM that can be better used for systems that can be used to counter the enemy at sea (more submarines and frigates)

    Tentera Darat is now equipping both Medan Barat (semenanjung) and Medan Timur (Sabah & Sarawak) so that both can independently counter any enemy attack on their own.

    At best, any amphibious operations we can do is by Offshore Raiding Crafts (ORC) operated by 10PARA.

    supporting ORCs can be by fast transports such as Joint High Speed Vessels/Expeditionary Fast Transports (JHSV/EPF). US Navy is going to retire 10 of them, and we could probably get 2-3 for peanuts/free.

  5. @hulubalang
    I dont understand your logic of getting smaller vehicle for certain job scope like u mention KAD.These vehicles are station at FOB,or Post for days or weeks,big vehicles means can put extra stores,as for support weapons vehicles it means can carry stores plus xtra reloads.ops or war is not 8 to 5 job nor they can RTB as and when they like,so the doctrine now is bigger is better,xtra space to bring home bodybags if the time arises.

  6. no dont listen to him. rmn definitely need MRSS. preferably a flat top design that can accommodate at least 4 AW-149 sized helicopters, hangar facility and have the capability to launch UCAV for HADR porpoises

  7. @ redsot

    Because this is for CAVALRY, not mechanised infantry or such. Understand exactly what that means.

    ” As an armoured reconnaissance regiment, the Household Cavalry operates far ahead of the main body of friendly forces. Their role is to locate and report on the movement and disposition of enemy forces, and engage and destroy enemy reconnaissance elements that are seeking to do do the same ”

    KAD cavalry units already have the HUGE AV8 Gempita, you don’t do recce just with something like that. So the existing AV8 IFV30 and LCT30 Ingwe needs to be paired with a recce vehicle that is maneuverable, nimble and not easily be seen by the enemy.

    @ dundun

    Those 163m MRSS by PT PAL costs USD400 million each. 3 of them would cost USD1.2 Billion.

    Please tell me what what can those MRSS contribute to push back chinese ships from Malaysian Maritime Zones, or if the sh!t hits the fan (which is now very a big possibility. If russia can take Ukrainian territory with impunity and is let off lightly by USA, why not China with 9-dash line?), what can those MRSS do to fight off the PLA-N fleet?

    Those USD1.2 billion would be better off used urgently for extra Scorpenes or Frigates…

  8. “Cannot lease armoured vehicles as then cannot put guns on them.”
    I believe it will depend on the terms of that contract if it comes. Willing buyer willing seller.

    But lets say, will a potential TDM spec differ much from these PDRM? Can it be uparmoured?

  9. The Guardians bought by PDRM is the same as the ones bought for Malbatt in Lebanon, proof against 7.62mm ammo. How much more armor do you want?

  10. 7.62mm is about Condor level protection. At least MRAP level & proof against 12.7mm for TDM if their intention is for battle insertion use.

  11. Hulubalang “Please tell me what what can those MRSS contribute to push back chinese ships from Malaysian Maritime Zones, or if the sh!t hits the fan (which is now very a big possibility. If russia can take Ukrainian territory with impunity and is let off lightly by USA, why not China with 9-dash line?), what can those MRSS do to fight off the PLA-N fleet?”

    Here’s a hint. PRC do not have a problems with us and only us they have a problems with almost all of their neighbors. Just like USSR before what do you think the most obvious solution for a group of smaller states facing the same problem from a single juggernaut?

    Run around like headless chicken and do things on their own only? How exactly is running around like headless chicken trying to face a juggernauts alone is a smart things to do?

  12. Proof against 12.7mm means ballistic protection up to STANAG 4569 level 4. I don’t think there is 4X4 vehicle with that level of protection so you probably need a 6×6 or even 8×8 vehicle. For example, the Bushmaster PMV with optional armor provides protection up to level 3 only (7.62x51mm AP). I stand corrected of course.

  13. @hulubalang,
    Thank for the xtra knowledge of old school thinking.
    Firstly any vehicles even troops movements can be detected by ground sensors,be it infrared,nitevission or passive sensors,oh dont forget loitering drones.
    So how nimble or small your recce vehicles are still can be detected by your foe.Unless every recce section are equipped with signal jammers to be it infrared,nitevision etc etc but alas ATM doctrine are not at that level yet unless they discard the old school thinking.
    As to protect the aggression of china towards malasia,we cannot go head to head with them.
    Firstly malasia have to dampen the support of certain party that is GLORIFYING china,make chinese tourist feel not welcome,how?there are many ways to skin a cat.
    2ndly on the military side,make sure any sinking damage of China coast guard ships or rouge fishing boat ship looks like an accident,how? with old scholl doctrine n thinking ATM will not be able to do it.

  14. “make chinese tourist feel not welcome”
    Seriously? What does tourists have to do with their antagonistic Govt? Should Western countries be hostile & make us feel unwelcome when we come visit bcoz were from a Muslim country? Even Japan have frostier ties with China than us, they still welcome record crowds of Chinese to visit and spend their money. There are diplomatic ways to go about without killing our economy.

    “make sure any sinking looks like an accident”
    Like how French agents sank Rainbow Warrior in an ‘accident’ but gotten world condemnation after it was revealed? What about if its our ship that sank, should we go to war to ‘avenge our martyrs’? There will be repercussions whether its by accident or not.

  15. I actually think Hulubalang has a point there…why buy Indonesian MRSS per se? If what we are seemingly lacking is MRSS, can we try seeing it as just a huge amphibious bus. I see a converted container ship can do the job just as well.
    Perhaps a dedicated MRSS can be bought ‘later’ freeing more funds to buy more submarines, either full-size DEs or smaller like the newly developed Turkish STM500.
    LCS is just a brown-water pond or ditch in Aussie parlance, and we have a mere 2 subs for 2 decades. We need more subs fast!

  16. Joe,seriously there are many ways to shoo the “tourist”.I cannot reveal so many things just, to give ideas it can be done without breaking the economic apart.If things need to be done,it have to be done.
    Just an example,why chinese “tourist” flocks malasia? most chinese”tourist” praise the easy going of the govt handling of laws n regulations.
    These touristfs even found singapore to be as equvilent strict as in China.
    There is your loop holes n many more.
    As for accident at sea,have TLDM found out yet or assume what sank its ship recently?
    Have you read the news months ago,how chinese ship “accidently” drop its containers into the shipping line?
    And TLDM can adjust and copy that incident if they just think out of their caves.How about chinese vessel cut off undersea teleommunicatuon lines?most will say its an accident but alas its not.
    Jamming intermittenly signals at sea can bring choas where bunch of rouge fishingboat plying the seas etc bad joe you are from the yesteryears school of thought.
    All in all malasia needs the leader as staunch as Tun and the head of military equally as hard headed than you can see results.

  17. Tun? He is the reason we are all in this trouble. He was the one who muzzle down the military leaders and made sure only the compliant ones went up the promotion ladder.

  18. Tun? He is the reason we are all in this trouble. He was the one who muzzle down the military leaders and made sure only the compliant ones went up the promotion ladder (Marhalim)
    I wholeheartedly agree!

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