Gading Marine Wins Op Benteng FIC Tender

PASKAL P38 interceptor and a RHIB near Tun Sharifah Rodziah sea base. Pix taken on 12/10/2015 by Joint Force Command.

SHAH ALAM: Gading Marine Engineering Sdn Bhd has been awarded the contract to supply the RMN six FIC for Op Benteng operations, tendered out last July. The ePerolehan website published the award of the contract to Gading Marine, which is part of the Gading group of companies, likely on 16 October. It did not state the contract price nor the type of vessel selected.

From the original post.

The RFB for the FICs for Ops Benteng was published on 20 July and closes on 30 July. As usual I am not purview to the detailed technical specifications but the bidders must also supplied the RMN with support and spares for one year. Based on the technical specifications review list, we are informed that the FICs general arrangement should be approved by the International Association of Classification Societies and the design complied with the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000.

It would be powered by diesel engines to power water jets and equipped with generators and fitted with with a forward looking infra red turret, a navigation radar and other equipment for sea going boats ie AIS, DGPS etc. The list however did not mentioned any need for a remote weapon station though it could be listed under the full technical specifications, the one thats only available to the bidders.

One technical specification that must be complied with – if bidders put forward a boat which did not comply with the technical list it would be rejected at the start of the tender review – is that the boats offered must have a beaching capability.

Gading Marine 17 foot FIC.

I have no idea what type of FIC was offered by Gading Marine for the tender though it has previously been contracted to supply the Marine police with RHIBs and FACs but AFAIK none were fitted with a ramp for beaching operations which so far have been the purview of the CB-90s and the Watercat M-14s.

Marine Police FAC PC 31 built by Gading Marine. It appears that the design could be fitted with a beaching ramp. NST picture via Polis Marin FB

The FAC – two of which are in service with the Marine Police may well be the design selected as it appears that it could be fitted with a ramp for beaching operations.

Gading Marine FAC PC 31.

Another company which won an Op Benteng tender is MSET Inflatable Composit Corporation. It won the tender for the supply and commissioning of 12 Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat – Special Operation Craft for the Army also for Op Benteng.

Three different types of MMEA RHIBs. It is likely the SOC RHIB for the Army built by MSET will be very similar to this boats.APMM

The EPerolehan website stated that MSET letter of award was for RM9.5 million which was the same amount offered by the company for the tender, issued a month before the RMN one.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (10)

  • The gading marine fic is a joint unikl-mimet and gading marine project... So maybe unikl mimet is also involve in this project for TLDM

  • @ Zamrij59

    Would be interested to know what actually Unikl-mimet brought to the table on this project. Hopefully something substantial and would develop more local naval design architect and engineers and also a start for having our own local designs for something like the FIC without needing to buy designs from overseas.

    What i know is that the FIC is based on the Polis marin FIC, which was designed by a foreign design office (which has designed most of the FIC built by various shipyards in malaysia before).

    anyway off topic

    Romania has been approved for US DSCA FMS sale of 2 batteries of NSM coastal system for USD300 million. Very expensive compared to buying direct from Norway.

    Poland bought 2 NSM coastal battery for just USD120 million direct from Norway. It later ordered a second batch to have a full regiment of 4 batteries of NSM Coastal.

    US FMS battery has only 2 launcher per battery (8 ready missiles) compared to buying direct from Norway like Poland with 3 launcher per battery (12 ready missiles)

    Poland NSM coastal battery is also inclusive of targeting radars (which the romanian offer lacks and replaced by link 16 equipped forward observers only). Each Poland NSM battery consists of:
    - 3x MLV (Missile Launch Vehicles)
    - 1x BCV (Battery Command Vehicle)
    - 3x CCV (Combat Command Vehicles)
    - 1x MCC (Mobile Communication Center)
    - 1x MRV (Mobile Radar Vehicle) with TRS-15C radar

    If we are going for NSM coastal (which IMO we should, to create the 3rd missile regiment of our rocket artillery brigade), we better go direct with Norway, and get similar batteries like Poland.

  • I never knew our army have its own watercraft fleet. Can I know what else watercraft owned by our army other than this 12 new RHIB?

    BTW congrats for the new asset :)

    Most are small boats for assault work

  • The FIC model design can be seen on FB Naza Model Art @ Nazaruddin Hashim.. maybe same hull as Police Marine,, but different Superstructure..

    Yes, based on the post it is likely there will be a function very soon...

  • Already seen the FIC model on Naza the design will be same as Gading Marine FAC PC 31 of Malaysia Police.

  • Yes. I have seen the basic layout model builr by Naza model art too. Its very basic model as not enough tume given to put details . Small craft.

  • A,

    Various types of aluminium, fibre glass and other boats have been used for decades. During the Confrontation sone wee used along the rivers of Sabah. During the 2nd Emergency they were also used along rivers and various dams the army (mostly TA units) had a presence at. “Coxswains” we’re armed with Sterlings.

  • as a unikl mimet student i would say that almost every year there will at least one boat been carried to our shipyard back there either for refit or repair .. at least we know that unikl mimet got some capabilities to do it .. one of my friend got contract here and is working on some police boat now .. don't know he work for which company
