Fulcrum UB For Sale

Fulcrum UB for sale

SHAH ALAM: Fulcrum UB for sale. I am late to this but a US company, Raptor Aviation, has put up for sale of a MIG-29 UB Fulcrum for sale. The 1986 built Fulcrum B is listed at $4.650 million or RM19.1 million. The aircraft can be sold to US or foreign buyers, though the latter need to comply with all ITAR regulations and be cleared before the sale can take place.

Perhatian untuk kaki salin, Google translate dan tampal sila faham betul-betul. Pesawat yang hendak dijual ini di daftar dan dimiliki oleh pemilik dari Amerika Syarikat, ianya tidak kena mengena dengan pesawat yang sewaktu dengan anda.

A screenshot of the Fulcrum UB for sale page.

According to Raptor Aviation, the Fulcrum with the serial number 80003003127 and US registration of N129XX is certified and flyable.
The rear cockpit of the Fulcrum B. Raptor Aviation

This plane is certified and flying in the U.S.!

A view of the front cockpit. Raptor Aviation.

It said the aircraft had flown 818 hours since built and had done 118 hours, since a complete airframe overhaul at the at Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant, Ukraine. The aircraft is fitted with tw Klimov RD-33 afterburning turbofan engines;
#1 Engine 348 hrs TT and #2 Engine 350 hrs TT 30 SMOH.The company says the FAA approved AAIP TBO is 1450 hours
For sale Fulcrum UB

As for avionics, it retained its original ones, RSBBN Nav, INS Nav, UHF/VHF Comm,Transponder. Western avionics added are the Narco Nav 122D GTS 330 Transponder and a second UHF radio. It has no other additional equipment.

For further information you can check out Raptor Aviation website.

– Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2364 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. @ marhalim

    This is a very2 old news.

    That specific MiG-29UB has been for sale since like 5-6 years already…

  2. That MiG-29UB would be very difficult to be sold outside of USA due to ITAR restrictions.

    But someone in Malaysia has bought an ex military jet trainer, based in subang but keeping it registered in USA (would DCA take ex military jets on malaysian reg?)

    N454WF Aero L-39C

    Owned by AFjets Amrul Nizar Anuar.


    As for others, as i am an avid tracker of anything 2ndhand military stuffs, there are those officially announced, also those that are not. Some like jordanian aircrafts are well known. Others like begiums alphajets are not so.

  3. More updates on the canadian used hornets buy.

    From the canadian side the sale is said to cost $90 million canadian dollars. New updates from australia puts it at $95 million aussie dollars. In any case, it is a very2 good buy for the Canadians, which puts each used hornet at USD2.8 million each at most.

    From the 25 airframes, there is no news yet of the breakdown of A and B models, and which airframe number that would be transferred to Canada.

    Right now Australia has 16 remaining B model Hornets (the twin seaters) and we don’t know how many of those to be transferred to Canada.

    Still, if TUDM makes a quick move, those twin seaters will be a great addition to beef up the numbers at our 18 Skuadron.

    RAAF 2OCU, which houses most of the F/A-18B Hornets, will be retiring all its hornets by december 2019 and change to F-35s next year.


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