SHAH ALAM: RMN chief Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain officiated the steel cutting ceremony for the service’s Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMS Batch 2) at the Istanbul Shipayard in Turkiye, on November 4. The RMN in a press statement stated that the steel cutting ceremony was a symbolic event to mark the start of the ship building process.
Malaysian Defence had guessed that the ships would be built at the Istanbul Shipyard, previously. I guessed wrongly that the work on the ships will start in September though.

Release from RMN
ISTANBUL, 4 Nov – Upacara Steel Cutting bagi projek Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMSB2) TLDM telah dilaksanakan di Istanbul Shipyard, Turkiye, hari ini.
Majlis telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Zulhelmy bin Ithnain dan disaksikan oleh delegasi Kementerian Pertahanan yang diketuai Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pembangunan), Dr. Mohd Bakhari bin Ismail serta wakil TLDM dan Pasukan Projek LMSB2. Turut hadir adalah Tuan Yang Terutama Sazali bin Mustafa Kamal, Duta Besar Malaysia ke Republik Turkiye selaku tetamu kehormat dan Mr Özgür Güleryüz, General Manager Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik (STM).
Steel Cutting merupakan acara pemotongan plat besi kapal sebagai simbolik permulaan aktiviti pembinaan kapal. Reka bentuk berasaskan kapal korvet Kelas ADA ini telah dipilih oleh TLDM melalui memorandum persefahaman Government-to-Government (G2G) yang mana STM telah dilantik sebagai kontraktor utama. Kapal korvet Kelas ADA telah dioperasikan oleh Angkatan Laut Turkiye dan Tentera Laut Pakistan. Selain itu, kapal kelas yang sama juga dalam proses pembinaan dan menjalani fasa ujian untuk perolehan Tentera Laut Pakistan dan Tentera Laut Ukraine.
Kapal LMSB2 ini mempunyai keupayaan peperangan pelbagai dimensi merangkumi peperangan anti permukaan, peperangan anti udara dan peperangan elektronik serta bakal meningkatkan keupayaan tempur dan keupayaan operasi TLDM. Kapal ini turut dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan dan penderia berteknologi tinggi bagi di atur gerak melaksanakan misi dalam domain maritim negara.
Pembinaan kapal ini dijangka akan siap sepenuhnya pada penghujung 2027 sebelum diserahkan kepada TLDM.
It is interesting to note that the steel cutting ceremony is one day, ten years after the LCS which took place on December 3, 2014. What does it mean then? Nothing, really except that the first LCS – PCU Maharaja Lela – is now ten years old but it is still stuck on the hard-stand in Lumut.
— Malaysian Defence If you like this post, buy me an espresso. Paypal Payment
View Comments (39)
Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth? Is it the armour is too thin?
About LMS2, ship cutting just started and yet we still dont know what SAM were going to use? What about SSM, Atmaca?
If its really gonna be Ada class, it will really be the most cheapest of variant and will test the mettle of IS to find where to cut down cost without giving us a subpar ship.
SSM Atmaca, the SAAM is the Korean K-SAAM.
Joe-Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth?
It is sheet metal welded together multi layered with hull metal be it aluminium alloy or high strength steel. Usually they were cut in squares( ERAWA) on the pendekar. There's calculations behind that and it is a trade secret.
Until now it's still unclear what kind of radar will be used on the LMSB2 Cenk Aesa or Cenk 3D also the anti submarine weapon. Will it be rockets or light torps.
"where to cut down cost"
I think the answer is our LMSB2 will not have ASW capability
Any included with torpedoes?
"it will really be the most cheapest of variant"
just my speculation, it could be combination of few factors which are
- Use of certain structure designs from Hisar OPV, which itself is based on original Ada but faster to built and cheaper
- Use of locally design main radar which 'could' be cheaper than Smart-S Mk2
- No Yakamos sonar for ASW missions
- Discounts......
Ahh thanks. Then the cost of this project is more incredulous considering we have to pay extra to integrate KSAAM to ADA CMS.
"Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth"
It is due to the welding of the thin outer skin to the "scantlings", the ships frames.
The combination of compression, tension, torsional and heat loads on the frame and the skin will wrap the skin. This is normal. Also can be seen on aircraft fuselage too.
@ qamarul
"Until now it’s still unclear what kind of radar will be used"
The specifications is clear.
The ship is a variation of the HISAR OPV, as it does not have gas turbines
No ASW capability for this corvette is planned.
Won't be a surprise if this gets commissioned even before LCS1
It just say Cenk 3D Surveillance Radar but did not specify which one. Cenk 100/200/400? But i think most probably it will be Cenk 200N. The one on Istanbul class frigate is a Cenk 400.