First Steel Cutting of LMS Batch 2

RMN chief Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain starting the steel cutting process for the LMS Batch 2 on December 4 2024. RMN

SHAH ALAM: RMN chief Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain officiated the steel cutting ceremony for the service’s Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMS Batch 2) at the Istanbul Shipayard in Turkiye, on November 4. The RMN in a press statement stated that the steel cutting ceremony was a symbolic event to mark the start of the ship building process.

Malaysian Defence had guessed that the ships would be built at the Istanbul Shipyard, previously. I guessed wrongly that the work on the ships will start in September though.

RMN chief Admiral Zulhelmy Ithnain receiving a gift from STM general manager ร–zgรผr Gรผleryรผz. RMN

Release from RMN

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ISTANBUL, 4 Nov – Upacara Steel Cutting bagi projek Littoral Mission Ship Batch 2 (LMSB2) TLDM telah dilaksanakan di Istanbul Shipyard, Turkiye, hari ini.
Majlis telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Datuk Zulhelmy bin Ithnain dan disaksikan oleh delegasi Kementerian Pertahanan yang diketuai Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Pembangunan), Dr. Mohd Bakhari bin Ismail serta wakil TLDM dan Pasukan Projek LMSB2. Turut hadir adalah Tuan Yang Terutama Sazali bin Mustafa Kamal, Duta Besar Malaysia ke Republik Turkiye selaku tetamu kehormat dan Mr ร–zgรผr Gรผleryรผz, General Manager Savunma Teknolojileri Muhendislik (STM).
Steel Cutting merupakan acara pemotongan plat besi kapal sebagai simbolik permulaan aktiviti pembinaan kapal. Reka bentuk berasaskan kapal korvet Kelas ADA ini telah dipilih oleh TLDM melalui memorandum persefahaman Government-to-Government (G2G) yang mana STM telah dilantik sebagai kontraktor utama. Kapal korvet Kelas ADA telah dioperasikan oleh Angkatan Laut Turkiye dan Tentera Laut Pakistan. Selain itu, kapal kelas yang sama juga dalam proses pembinaan dan menjalani fasa ujian untuk perolehan Tentera Laut Pakistan dan Tentera Laut Ukraine.
Kapal LMSB2 ini mempunyai keupayaan peperangan pelbagai dimensi merangkumi peperangan anti permukaan, peperangan anti udara dan peperangan elektronik serta bakal meningkatkan keupayaan tempur dan keupayaan operasi TLDM. Kapal ini turut dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan dan penderia berteknologi tinggi bagi di atur gerak melaksanakan misi dalam domain maritim negara.
Pembinaan kapal ini dijangka akan siap sepenuhnya pada penghujung 2027 sebelum diserahkan kepada TLDM.

TCG Kinaliada -514. As the LMS Batch 2 is an Ada class variant, the ship will look like the Kinaliada. Malaysian Defence picture.

It is interesting to note that the steel cutting ceremony is one day, ten years after the LCS which took place on December 3, 2014. What does it mean then? Nothing, really except that the first LCS – PCU Maharaja Lela – is now ten years old but it is still stuck on the hard-stand in Lumut.
PCU Maharaja Lela was returned to the Lunas hardstand earlier in November. She is now 10-years-old. The plan originally was for her to be commissioned into RMN in 2019. Hopefully, she will be there in 2026.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2393 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth? Is it the armour is too thin?

    About LMS2, ship cutting just started and yet we still dont know what SAM were going to use? What about SSM, Atmaca?

    If its really gonna be Ada class, it will really be the most cheapest of variant and will test the mettle of IS to find where to cut down cost without giving us a subpar ship.

  2. Joe-Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth?

    It is sheet metal welded together multi layered with hull metal be it aluminium alloy or high strength steel. Usually they were cut in squares( ERAWA) on the pendekar. There’s calculations behind that and it is a trade secret.

    Until now it’s still unclear what kind of radar will be used on the LMSB2 Cenk Aesa or Cenk 3D also the anti submarine weapon. Will it be rockets or light torps.

  3. @Joe
    “where to cut down cost”

    I think the answer is our LMSB2 will not have ASW capability

  4. @joe
    “it will really be the most cheapest of variant”

    just my speculation, it could be combination of few factors which are
    – Use of certain structure designs from Hisar OPV, which itself is based on original Ada but faster to built and cheaper
    – Use of locally design main radar which ‘could’ be cheaper than Smart-S Mk2
    – No Yakamos sonar for ASW missions
    – Discounts……

  5. Ahh thanks. Then the cost of this project is more incredulous considering we have to pay extra to integrate KSAAM to ADA CMS.

  6. “Can anyone explain, in layman terms, why the ship sides is seen to be bubbling/caving/not smooth”

    It is due to the welding of the thin outer skin to the “scantlings”, the ships frames.

    The combination of compression, tension, torsional and heat loads on the frame and the skin will wrap the skin. This is normal. Also can be seen on aircraft fuselage too.

  7. It just say Cenk 3D Surveillance Radar but did not specify which one. Cenk 100/200/400? But i think most probably it will be Cenk 200N. The one on Istanbul class frigate is a Cenk 400.

  8. @Hulu
    “The ship is a variation of the HISAR OPV, as it does not have gas turbines”
    I think its more logical to say its a “Ada without gas turbine” instead of “Hisar without all that weaponry & sensors & protection”

  9. Guys,
    I won’t be surprised (nope!) we’ll receive the LMS B.2 earlier than our LCS.
    I’ll be very surprised if both types were to be fitted with ALL the weapons systems that they were supposed to have in their latest iteration when they enter actual service.

  10. The SSM will be in place, I am pretty sure the Turks will make sure of that. The NSM will also be on the LCS as we already took delivery of them.

  11. Since we’re buying from the Turks, why not buy more from them, heck, even 10 units of the austere Hissar OPV would be appreciated. Just my 2 cents.

  12. Basically

    The LMS Batch 2 = CORV Batch 1 = fully fitted for HISAR OPV w/o electric drive.

    Current TLDM 15to5 Force Structure 2040 plan wants a total of 9x of those Turkiye Corvettes.

    The TLDM plan/budget is
    – 3x LMS Batch 2 / CORV Batch 1 RMK12(2021-2025)
    – 3x LMS Batch 3 / CORV Batch 2 RMK13(2026-2030)
    – 3x LMS Batch 4 / CORV Batch 3 RMK15(2036-2040)

    Instead of TLDM original plan, i would prefer to cap the Corvette quantity to just 6 (end at 3x LMS Batch 3 / CORV Batch 2 RMK13). But to finish the 6th Gowind Frigate to enable TLDM to have 6x Gowind Frigate and 6x Turkiye Corvette by 2030.

    Money saved to get more submarines in 2030-2040.

  13. buy the same LMS Batch 2.

    Agreed, but please sign the deal before the 3rd LMS Batch 2 hit the water.

    austere Hissar OPV would be appreciated.

    if our navy want “autere” maybe they can buy brand new Kedah lah.

  14. @ZA
    “even 10 units of the austere Hissar OPV”
    If you havent noticed, TLDM doesnt want OPV which is why LMS2 is specced loaded with weapons.

    “Money saved to get more submarines in 2030-2040.”
    If were gonna save money is to put to 3x MRSS and sufficient ASW choppers & UAS for onboard all LCS.

  15. @ joe

    “If were gonna save money is to put to 3x MRSS and sufficient ASW choppers & UAS for onboard all LCS”

    3x MRSS does nothing in our need to push back CCG and PLAN from our maritime zones.

    sufficient ASW choppers can be had by getting excess over-ordered and now stored MH-60R from US NAVY.

    UAS onboard all LCS? where to fit those? you need larger frigate than the LCS (110m, 3200ton displacement) to operate both an ASW Helicopter and UAS at the same time. Something like the independence-class LCS is probably the most ideal for the task with wide open aviation deck and huge hangar space.

    Type 26 Frigate flexible mission bay

    A big reason why RSN has gone with the Iver Huitfeldt/Absalon desogn for its MRCV, so that it could have spaces to operate both helicopters and UAS at the same time.

    Submarines are probably a few of naval systems that is not affected by all the current new development of supersonic and hypersonic long range anti-ship missile systems. To find and kill a submarine takes massive amount of resources, unlike sinking a surface ship.

  16. “Something like the Dokdo or Mistral or the Turkish equivalent”

    Something that is also a big undefendable target for TLDM, not to mention to budget to get something like that.

  17. @Hulubalang
    “3x MRSS does nothing in our need to push back CCG and PLAN from our maritime zones.”

    Not only 3xMRSS, The entire fleet of RMN will not stop PLAN. Even if RMN is getting type 26, China will build something bigger and better.
    The most inportant is to show our presence and claim on the territory not against PLAN directly which is a different queation.

    “A big reason why RSN has gone with the Iver Huitfeldt/Absalon desogn for its MRCV”

    RSN has chosen kongsberg Vanguard system which need a big ship as “mother ship” to operate hello, USV and UAV. An LPD with well deck is better for USV to in and out. The flat deck is big enough for hellos and UAV.

  18. “The entire fleet of RMN will not stop PLAN”

    It is not about that. It is about hitting them back and making their attack to us a costly endeavour. Maritime warfare in Ukraine has shown that even poorly equipped ukraine has sunk and destroyed plenty of russian navy ships, without using any surface ships of its own. If TLDM cannot do it with surface ships, then we need to double down on underwater warfare and long range maritime strike missiles.

    “The most inportant is to show our presence and claim on the territory not against PLAN directly which is a different queation”

    Show of presence can be done by APMM OPVs. No need TLDM ships

  19. @Qamarul
    “But i think most probably it will be Cenk 200N.”
    When comparing the radar on the display model to the actual photos of the radar, the display model resembles the Cenk 400 more than 200-N/300-N. Let’s wait until we can get further confirmation in the future

  20. Surface ships will always be vulnerable to air attacks. More so now than ever with real time geospatial satellite tracking of ships and the proliferation of supersonic and hypersonic long range anti ship missiles.

    HMS Repulse and HMS Price of Wales will not be the last warships to be sunk in South China Sea. We need to learn from our own history, and shape our defences based on what good lessons we can learn from our past.

  21. Better to invest in more bvr and anti ship missiles for TUDM…and integration of amraam and harpoon/atmaca for the FA50M. Better deterrence capability as compared to surface ships with ship launched missiles.

  22. “UAS and ASW helicopters on the same ship with room to spare?”
    It might fit, as I proposed, if the ASW chopper is smaller than designed for and the UAS is flatpack in storage for reassembly to use.

    “3x MRSS does nothing in our need to push back CCG and PLAN from our maritime zones.”
    On the contrary, having support ship(s) would enable our patrol boats to remain on station for much longer as they dont need to return to dock & replenish as often. Being more present greatly helps in the pushback as long as they dont send a bigger boat.

    Aircraft with BVRs & subs have no real significant peacetime deterrent. Only another surface ship will be effective to show presence.

  23. I think China is not going to be deterred by anything our navy or coast guard have for presence…current or future.

    There’s a reason we are building that basic air base in Bintulu.

  24. In peacetime they will not escalate things by overstaying their welcome if we show sea presence. Airforce has nothing to show at sea.

  25. STM General Manager confirmed he is confident all 3 vessels will be completed in 3 1/2 years .. just nice timing for the Bintulu Naval Base to be completed ??

  26. OOT, Japan gave Pinoy nearly 2Bil Yen funding to improve their security on top of the exCG vessels. Seems like there no strings attached so I wonder why we dont ask for the same funding as well.

  27. They have not even started work on the naval base yet, how can it be completed at the same time as the corvettes. It is most likely the ships will be based at KK so they can sent out the FACs out to Sandakan and even possibly Tawau.

  28. “Its up to the government to make the request.”
    I wonder why we havent do so (if we didnt), I dont think taking donations from richer friendly nations is a problem since we on off gets financial/resource help from US & UK. With Trump 2.0 incoming, Asia/Asean will be a hotbed for his anti-china stance moreso if china is eager to ramp things up to 11.

    Show of presence not just only MMEA responsibility but TLDM also need to have presence on the seas.

  29. “Show of presence not just only MMEA responsibility but TLDM also need to have presence on the seas”

    TLDM utmost priority is not just showboating, but to fight back any aggressors if we are attacked. If that aggressor is PLA-N, then TLDM needs to be able to fight back PLA-N. Yes of course we cannot fight them one to one, frigate to frigate, so find a way so that we can do it.

  30. As mentioned many times, TLDM cannot be a BOMBA just waiting at station for the call to action. They also need to be like PDRM going around doing patrols, its not their out there trying to find bad guys but to show people that their around. Thats what meant by the military also has a peacetime duty.

  31. A lil late but just curious..why dont tldm choose turkish sam to make it easier to integrate like siper,or hisar using midlas vls? Or they are still unproven?..or are they pricier than ksaam? Turkish missile should be more easier to integrate with cms,radar right?

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