First Omani Typhoon Delivered

ROAF Hawk and Typhoon displayed at the roll-out event in June last year

KUALA LUMPUR: Oman took delivery of the first of 12 Eurofighter Typhoon at the Adam Air Base, Oman on June 12. Royal Air Force of Oman Chief AVM Mattar bin Ali bin Mattar Al Obaidani was present at the welcoming ceremony. The first aircraft is a twin seater.

The Sultanate of Oman announced its decision to purchase 12 Eurofighter Typhoon and eight Hawk aircraft in December 2012. In all the deal is worth $4.06 billion.

Royal Oman Air Force first Typhoon delivered. BAE Systems

No breakdown of the Typhoons were released but it is likely Oman bought two twin-seaters with the rest single seaters.
ROAAF pilot and officials posed for a photograph.

The delivery follows an official roll-out event held on 15 May 2017 at BAE Systems’ site at Warton, UK, during which the first Typhoon and Hawk aircraft were formally presented to the customer in front of an invited audience.
ROAF Hawk and Typhoon displayed at the roll-out event.

Meanwhile, Janes reported that on Saudi Air Force took delivery of the 72nd and final Typhoon aircraft, likely on June 6. The report stated
Royal Saudi Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon. Internet.

Saudi Arabia ordered 72 Tranche 2 Typhoon aircraft in 2007. At an estimated GBP20 billion (USD41 billion at the time), it was one of the largest defence procurement contracts ever signed.

Under the original plan, the first 24 aircraft were to be built by BAE Systems in the UK, with the remainder to be assembled in-country at the Alsalam Aircraft Company (a joint venture between Boeing, Saudi Arabian Airways, and Saudi Advanced Industries Company). However, this plan was scuppered by issues surrounding the safeguarding of proprietary information at the part-Boeing-owned plant, and the abandonment of a planned new facility at Taif. In 2013 it was instead decided that all 72 aircraft would be built in the UK, with Saudi Arabia focusing its attentions on delivering in-country through-life support to the fleet.

Deliveries began in 2009, with aircraft being handed over to the Kingdom in three batches. Batch 1 covered the initial 24 aircraft, including 12 twin-seaters; Batch 2 was for 24 more aircraft, including six twin-seaters; with Batch 3 made up of the final 24 aircraft, including another six twin-seaters.

By the way, Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2409 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. The Onami Air forces Typhoon Logo and The Airframe are bit of plain. BTW, If Malaysia Choose Typhoon. Malaysia Could get More Upgration or Additional Hawks as My Openion.

  2. $4.06 billion. for 12 typhoons and 8 hawk??please malaysia, get hornet instead..

    Selamat hari raya aidilfitri to all

    As I mentioned earlier its likely the package include training and spares plus maintenance package.

  3. Selamat menyambut lebaran…
    bte if it cost usd 4 billion for 12..might as well go for sukhoi and save maybe half of the budget. Yeah i know its not part of the list and my dont want anything russian for now

    And eight Hawks plus likely training and spares and maintenance package, you know bare bones are the ME air forces…

  4. Kamal,

    One Piece of Su-30MKM Could be 35-53M USD. I think If We Get More MKM Won’t get More Problem For Our Future MRCA Program. But as For me Might be Used as a Fill Gap Only. Rafale or The Super Hornet could be the Best Choice for Our MRCA Program. For the SH, I think RMAF Should Intergrated With Naval Strike Missile. Just In Case.

    Anyway, Happy Eid-Mubarak (Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri) to all Readers and Especially you Marhalim.

  5. Marhalim, is the 8 new omani mk166 is supplementing or replacing the legacy hawks?

    Current omani hawk fleet:

    3x mk103 (1 crashed)

    1x mk155 (bought from canada 2nd hand to replace the crashed mk103. Converted to mk103a standard)

    10x mk203 (2 crashed)

    Likely as replacement for the older 103s

  6. Eurofighter tried to delay the official announcement of the last saudi typhoon, as they are hoping to announce a new contract of another 72 typhoons for saudi before the last saudi typhoon is flown. But it seems that the deal is no longer on the table. Saudi seems content with their new F-15SA, and there are rumors that they might be going for stealthy fighters in the form of FC-31 next, as the F-35 is off limits for saudi.

  7. What about the tranfers airplane from saudi to malaysia? Are those airplane coming or it become like blackhawks from brunei case?

    Mana ada negotiations during Ramadan…

  8. Regardless of which type is selected for the MRCA, can it be assumed that RMAF will go for a all twin-seat fleet of the selected type?

    Most will be single seats if Typhoon or Rafale is selected as per the respective air forces doctrine, the twin seater will only be used for training. If Super Hornet was selected I think a number of two seaters will also be bought for operational duties.

  9. Selamat Hari Raya to you n your family Encik Marhalim n all readers too

  10. Marhalim = If Super Hornet was selected I think a number of two seaters will also be bought for operational duties

    I thought Super Hornet were Removed From MRCA Compatition ?.


  11. kerberoswxiv – ”can it be assumed that RMAF will go for a all twin-seat fleet of the selected type?”

    Around the 1995/96 period the RMAF issued a RFI for 18 single seat F/A-18Cs but the 1997 Economic Crisis put paid to that. Given that the RMAF already has 18 twin seat MKMs and 8 twin seat Hornets as well as limited number of crews; it will not go for a all twin seat MRCA fleet.

  12. Off topic but I decided to mention it because it’s interesting and has great utility. A few months ago I was reading something on the history of sniping in urban environments. The author suggested that suppressors should be in use by standard infantry units and not just snipers and marksmen. The idea being that suppressors make shooting more comfortable by reducing the recoil and muzzle blast but also because it makes it harder for the opposition to spot were the shooting is coming from.

    Incidentally today I came across an article saying how the USMC is currently performing trials with an squad [section] equipped with suppressors. The main issue here is the costs [even for the Americans] of equipping riflemen with suppressors and the fact that suppressors have to be replaced after firing ‘x’ number of rounds. In our army of course the first step would be equipping riflemen with sights before even considering suppressors.

  13. @ azlan

    The USMC is looking at equipping all of its troops with silencers.

    Another development is with the us airborne forces. They are looking at air droppable light squad vehicles and even light tanks.

    One more thing that malaysian army is lacking is night vision equipment. Compared even to the philippines, NVG is not a normal issued equipment among malaysian soldiers.

  14. ……. – ”The USMC is looking at equipping all of its troops with silencers.”

    They are currently conducting trials with a squad [section] and the intention is to equip combat units first. The idea is to equip not only assault rifles but also LMGs, GPMGs and HMGs.

    ……. – ”Compared even to the philippines, NVG is not a normal issued equipment among malaysian soldiers.”

    Incorrect. Only certain Filipino units, namely special forces units and ones that have benefited from U.S. aid have NVGs. Same thing here – only certain units have NVGs in numbers. The average Filipino army unit does not have NVGs in numbers.

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