SHAH ALAM: Mejar Farah Diba Ahmad Rostam was promoted to Lt Colonel today and appointed as the commanding officer of No. 16 Skuadron. Her promotion was conducted by RMAF deputy chief Lt Jen DS Muhamad Norazlan Aris at RMAF headquarters at the Defence Ministry.
Farah Diba is the first female to be appointed as the commanding officer of a RMAF flying squadron. I stand to be corrected of course. Norazlan – callsign Giro – also pinned the ranks of five other majors to Lt Colonel. None of them are flight officers though. Technically, they are acting Lt Colonels for the time being until they are confirmed to the new rank.

RMAF release:
KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Okt 23 – Seramai enam (6) Pegawai Kanan TUDM yang berpangkat Mejar TUDM telah dinaikkan pangkat ke Pemangku Leftenan Kolonel TUDM. Majlis pemakaian pangkat telah disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara, Lt Jen Datuk Seri Hj Muhamad Norazlan bin Aris TUDM bertempat di Eagle Nest, Markas Tentera Udara.
Pegawai-pegawai Kanan TUDM yang telah dinaikkan pangkat adalah:
1. Lt Kol Farah Diba binti Ahmad Rostam TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai Pegawai Memerintah No.16 Skn.
2. Lt Kol Hamon Razif bin Abd Hamed TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai PS 1 Bantuan Domestik MBPU.
3. Lt Kol Hj Ahmad Zamili bin Hj Isa TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Matra 2.
4. Lt Kol Abd Rahim bin Jaffar TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai PS 1 Operasi MTU-CPM.
5. Lt Kol Mohamad Rizal bin Mohamad Noor TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai Pengarah MUKES.
6. Lt Kol Muhammad Azrul bin Mohd Ali TUDM, memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Flait Kejuruteraan No. 15 Skn.
Turut hadir menyaksikan pemakaian pangkat ini adalah Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Datuk Mohd Shahada bin Ismail TUDM dan Pegawai-pegawai Kanan TUDM yang lain. Seluruh warga TUDM mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada semua pegawai kanan TUDM yang telah dinaikkan pangkat. Sesungguhnya kenaikan pangkat adalah atas usaha dan dedikasi yang ditunjukkan serta kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh pimpinan atasan kepada pegawai untuk terus berbakti di dalam perkhidmatan ATM amnya dan TUDM khasnya.
I believed Farah Diba’s promotion has been in the works and had nothing to do with the emergency landing of a No 16 Skuadron Beechcraft King Air B200T MSA earlier this week. In the October 16 incident- tail number M41-02 – skidded off the Subang airport runway as it made an emergency landing due to a landing gear issue. The four crew members of the aircraft escaped injuries.
— Malaysian Defence
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View Comments (3)
Otoh would have been a bummer if her promotion was nicked due to that King Air incident.
No, they wont
Good at least their brasses are reasonable. I knew some in my industry whose promotion got nicked because higher ups remember recent screw ups better than solid years of good work.
As Warren Buffet says "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.". Lucky our civil service aren't ran like a private sector.