SHAH ALAM: Some 14 months after RMAF appointed the first female flying squadron commanding officer, another milestone was achieved today when the service appointed the first female pilot to head a Hercules squadron. Major Norlela Harun formally took over as the CO of No 20 Skuadron, the Subang based Hercules squadron.

Norlela replaces Lt Kol Mohd Khairol Fadly Abu Bakar. It is likely that Norlela will be promoted to the Lt Kol rank as it is the rank of the CO of the squadron. Malaysian Defence had previously reported on the female COs of the RMAF flying squadrons. Here and here
The release from RMAF:
SUBANG, 6 Januari 2025 – Mej Norlela binti Harun TUDM secara rasminya telah mengambil alih jawatan sebagai Pegawai Memerintah No 20 Skuadron yang baharu mengantikan Lt Kol Mohd Khairol Fadly bin Abu Bakar TUDM.
Majlis Serah Terima Tugas diantara Lt Kol Mohd Khairol Fadly bin Abu Bakar TUDM dan Mej Norlela binti Harun TUDM telah disaksikan oleh Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brigedier Jeneral Yusri bin Jamari TUDM bertempat di Hangar No 20 Skuadron.
Perlantikan Mej Norlela binti Harun TUDM telah mencatat sejarah baharu kepada TUDM apabila beliau merupakan juruterbang wanita pertama menjadi Pegawai Memerintah bagi No 20 Skuadron. Dengan pengalaman dan rekod perkhidmatan yang cemerlang, beliau telah diberi kepercayaan untuk menerajui dan meneruskan legasi kecemerlangan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh skuadron tersebut dalam mengoperasikan pesawat angkut C130H.
Terdahulu, warga No 20 Skuadron turut mengadakan Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah yang terakhir kepada Lt Kol Mohd Khairol Fadly bin Abu Bakar TUDM sebagai penghormatan kepada beliau yang telah menerajui skuadron tersebut sejak 26 Januari 2023.
Sepanjang hampir dua tahun pemerintahan, beliau mempamerkan dedikasi dan komitmen yang tinggi dalam memastikan pesawat C130H dapat melaksanakan operasi TUDM serta ATM dengan cemerlang.
Sekalung penghargaan diucapkan kepada Lt Kol Mohd Khairol Fadly bin Abu Bakar TUDM dan tahniah kepada Mej Norlela binti Harun TUDM di atas perlantikan sebagai Pegawai Memerintah No 20 Skuadron yang baharu.

The other Hercules unit- No 14 Skuadron – is based in Labuan. Congratulations to madam Norlela and No. 20 Skuadron.
— Malaysian Defence
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Congratulations to Major Norlela Harun on the appointment.
So now we have a female CO for transport, helicopter, MPA and training squadrons/institutes
Looking forward to a female fighter squadron CO next.
We have come a long way since we have our first female fighter pilot nearly 40 years ago, Lt Col Emilia binti Kamaruddin.
BTW is Lt Col Emilia binti Kamaruddin also our 1st female pilot? Or is there more before her?
She was not, there were others before her AFAIK. As usual our services are fuzzy when it comes to keeping records.
Speaking of belly lands, looking at Jeju Air disaster, should IATA mandate that all international airport runways be long enough and with safety equipment for belly lands? Of course certain urban airports would be at risk not comply due to space constraints.