SHAH ALAM: Expired simulator contract. It appears that KD Pelandok, the RMN main training school, is in a bind as the contracts of its simulator or simulators had expired.
The training school posted it’s predicament as it hosted a group of Ministry of Finance officials on Tuesday. The post did not identify the type of contracts that had expired but since it has a number of simulators we can assume that it is likely these involved support and maintenance issues
Among the simulators it has are the bridge handling, damage control, fire and electronic warfare systems.

Perhaps the expired contract was one of the reasons RMN sent KD Jebat to India recently for FOST.

It must be noted the submarine simulators at the Kota Kinabalu naval base were upgraded recently almost at the same time as the submarines refit program was undertaken.
Hopefully as everyone seemed to be very concerned with sovereignty recently, the bean counters at MOF and the government will take seriously the predicament faced by KD Pelandok and expedite the contract renewal as soon as possible.
– Malaysian Defence
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View Comments (19)
If even simulators we didn't have the money to maintain, what more the ships at sea?
I'm surprised that a submarine as new as the Scorpene has a traditional periscope and not an EO mast.
The EO mast is the next evolution, the Indian Scorpene is fitted with the EO mast
Mr. ...,
We have the money, it just we did not allocate it enough for our defence since all our politicians & decision makers think that we are 'not going to war with anyone'.
We have a money,Malaysia is a rich country can I say..but we dont see defence budget as important as infrastructure and other for rakyat things.
@ marhalim
Brazils Scorpene will be launched this weekend. Would be interesting to see the fit out of their new sub.
Terminate all contract BN sign... terminate all contract have relation with Najib and all BN... call for new contract with have relationship with pakatan. A simple and same politic we are try to play around... it look clean but it might not as clean as u think.
"We have a money, Malaysia is a rich country can I say..but we dont see defence budget as important as infrastructure and other for rakyat things."
We are moderately rich in resources, but not so rich that we can have only a small minority pay taxes yet provide free healthcare, almost free road usage etc for everybody. Most countries that provide extensive facilities have a larger part of the population paying tax.
New brazilian scorpene launch.
"We are moderately rich in resources, but not so rich that we can have only a small minority pay taxes yet provide free healthcare, almost free road usage etc for everybody. Most countries that provide extensive facilities have a larger part of the population paying tax." ...Do you seriously think that individual tax collection form the bulk of the country income ? Please get the facts right ..income tax presents a tiny percentage..the goverment's main income is from Petronas and other companies taxes ..
I am pissed to be honest. Why can't we tax all the working adults in the country? As you earn more, you get taxed accordingly. So we can have a larger tax base and the government have more money in the kitty. For PH lovers, surely you have more faith in this government that the previous 'lanun' regime. I worked for years overseas and paid my taxes as a toilet cleaner as well as when I joined the government service in that particular country as a PR. No grumbling. Sudah masa semua patut bayar cukai. We become more responsible for everything including defense.