SHAH ALAM: Fourth Royal Armoured Regiment – Rejimen Empat Kor Armor Di Raja(4KAD) has declared its fleet of RPZ Condor armoured 4X4 and Sibmas armoured recovery vehicle as retired from service as off January 1, 2023.
The retirement of the Condors and Sibmas were made public in separate releases on the First Infantry Division and 4KAD social media pages on January 2 (both postings have since been deleted when accessed on January 4). The release stated that the Condors and Sibmas had become obsolete after 42 years of service. As such the vehicles were retired from service at a parade on January 1 at the 4KAD Penrissen camp in Kuching, Sarawak. Both releases did not say whether the retired vehicles will be replaced anytime soon. The release from First Division:

SARAWAK: Rejimen Keempat Kor Armor Diraja (4 KAD) telah melaksanakan perbarisan sempena status usang (Obsolete) Kenderaan Perisai (KP) Radpanzer Condor (RPZ Condor) 4×4 dan Sibmas Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV) 6×6 bertempat di Padang Kawad pasukan pada 1 Jan 2023.
Perbarisan yang diketuai oleh Pemangku Pegawai Memerintah 4 KAD, Mej Ahmad Faisal Muda turut disertai oleh 20 pegawai dan 50 Pegawai Tidak Tauliah Kanan (PTTK) serta krew KJA dengan berlatarbelakangkan 13 buah KP RPZ Condor 4×4 pelbagai varian dan sebuah KP Sibmas AVR 6×6.
Perbarisan ini merupakan simbolik kepada termeterainya status Obsolete bagi KP RPZ Condor 4×4 dan Sibmas ARV 6×6 yang telah memasuki perkhidmatan Tentera Darat pada tahun 1981 kini telah pun berusia 42 tahun dan telah ditamatkan perkhidmatannya.
Turut diadakan demonstrasi penggunaan KP Sibmas AVR 8×8 sebagai sesi pendedahan terakhir kepada anggota 34 Wksp Armor di Garaj Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA).
Impak pelaksanaan acara ini adalah dapat meningkatkan jati diri dalam kalangan warga 4 KAD dan memberi ruang serta peluang warga 4 KAD untuk menzahirkan tanda penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada kedua-dua KP yang telah banyak berjasa dan menjadi ikon kepada bukan sahaja pasukan malah Kor Armor Diraja khasnya dan Tentera Darat amnya.
KP RPZ Condor telah banyak berjasa dan digunakan oleh Tentera Darat Malaysia dan pernah terlibat di dalam satu pertempuran semasa operasi menyelamat Pertempuran Mogadishu di Somalia pada tahun 1993. Salah sebuah kenderaan ini diserang oleh peluru Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) menyebabkan seorang anggota tentera Malaysia telah terbunuh apabila sebutir peluru menembusi ruang pemandu pada kenderaan tersebut.
Sebanyak 46 buah KP RPZ Condor turut digunakan bagi tugas-tugas rondaan di Selatan Lubnan oleh pasukan Malaysian Battalion (MALBATT) di bawah misi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersama (PBB) United Nation Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

4KAD displayed 13 Condors and a single Sibmas ARV for the retirement parade. It is unclear whether other KAD units operating the Condors will also retire them soon. The ones in Lebanon will have to continue operating until the 20 Nurol Makina Ejder Yalcin are delivered, probably next year.
— Malaysian Defence
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Maintain at least a dozen of the condors in serviceable condition as a reminder of its service.
Nations such as UK and US have armor even from WW 1 still in working servicable condition.
What are the replacements again?
By right, the declaration of obsolescence status also valid for Condors in Lubnan.
Such anouncement, a bold statement by Tentera Darat, is very loud and clear for all to know.
In a way, also to expedite the procurement process of the new gen Kenderaan Perisai (KP).
Its Kenderaan Jenis A
None officially yet
I think at the moment, its likely going to be gate guard only. Perhaps the Armor school will have one or two in serviceable condition, like the Ferrets
MR M..how about Gempitas assembly ? are all order already completed..Is it safe to say that all Sibmas AFSV/ARV already being replaced by gempita ARV,IFV30,IFV25 & LCT30?..Now army just need to replace that Condors albeit maybe not on 1 for 1 basis?.Does that 136 units of 4×4 AV mentioned in budget 2023 are intended to replace that condors and army doesnt need 6×6 APC going forward?
If I’m not mistaken,
Kenderaan Jenis A (Kategori Tempur) :
Kereta Kebal Utama (KKU)
Kenderaan Perisai (KP)
Kenderaan Jenis B (Sokongan/logistik) :
Trak Angkut
and so on
In those countries there are large museum and private collections. It’s legal to buy and own ex military vehicles; even arty. I’ve been to Bovingtn [other collections are in
Samur and Munster] where on certain days vehicles opened by collectors are displayed. In certain countries there are also ex military jets owned and kept in flying condition.
The situation here is wholly different.
So retirements without replacements then what is 4KAD gonna use for recovery? Loan some tractors and backhoes?
Or is this regiment gonna be stood down since without the vehicles they are basically inoperative?
KJA is armoured vehicles whether its track or wheeled. KJenis B are wheeled vehicles which are unarmoured. KJ C are support vehicles like excavators etc. They maybe some difference to that effect as you mentioned
Around 10 vehicles are expected to be delivered by this year. Yes the 136 armoured 4X4s are supposed to replace the Condors together with some 6X6. As those armoured 4X4 were awarded LOI through direct negotiations it is likely up for review as I had posted previously. Furthermore it appears that money for the 4X4 was reallocated from another project which may make it more likely it will be cancelled
so the 4×4 project budget was taken from
– the 6×6 IFV project?
– adnan upgrade?
– Others?
so is the 4×4 project, or the original project that the money is taken from is the one that is likely to be cancelled?
It’s not an Army one. Because of the 4X4, the other one was deferred. Whether or not the other project will be revived if the 4X4 project is cancelled is beyond me at the moment. But it should be actually as it is more urgent
They are being used as line infantry. Most of the unit soldiers, the dismounts are already in operations. For example 14 RAMD Mek soldiers are currently stationed to Tanjung Kupang in Johor as part of Op Benteng and now renamed Op Nyah. The vehicle crews remain at the camp
Any hints Mr Marhalim? Air Force or Navy?
Recovery can be done by something like the recently bought Iveco 6×6 Wreckers
The one from cendana auto is K jenis B right?