Defence Contract

Third Time A Charm?

SHAH ALAM: In previous posts, Malaysian Defence wrote that the three MMEA OPV built by TH Heavy Enginering Sdn Bhd…

Malaysia is a Maritime Nation

SHAH ALAM: According to the 2019 Defence White Paper, Malaysia is a maritime nation. But not according to the latest…

MOF Loan For MMEA OPV project, Updated

SHAH ALAM: The Ministry of Finance, the Edge reported, has taken over the offshore patrol vessel project from the builder…

RESM For PV17 Squadron, Updated

SHAH ALAM: ECM for PV17 Squadron. It appears that the six ships of Patrol Vessel (PV) 17 Squadron will be…

Condor and Sibmas Declared Obsolete and Retired

SHAH ALAM: Fourth Royal Armoured Regiment - Rejimen Empat Kor Armor Di Raja(4KAD) has declared its fleet of RPZ Condor…

Accident Board Set Up To Investigate Collision

SHAH ALAM: The RMN has set up an accident board to investigate the collision between a Fast Interceptor Craft (FIC)…

Leased BMW Superbikes for Military Police

SHAH ALAM: Leased BMW superbikes for military police. The Army's military police - Kor Polis Tentera Di Raja - took…

Gripen E Operational in Brazil

SHAH ALAM: Gripen E operational in Brazil. The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) held a ceremony on December 19 at the…

LCS Payments?

SHAH ALAM: LCS payments? Updated with DE allocations for both ministries. Dewan Rakyat today December 20 2022) approved the Consolidated…

No Delays of RMAF Assets Procurement

SHAH ALAM: RMAF assets purchase is not delayed by the change of the government, says its chief Gen Asghar Goriman…