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Say No to The AV8

KUALA LUMPUR: It is plain obvious isnt it? I am against the AV8, the national 8X8 Armoured Combat Vehicle project. Why? Its not that there are cheaper solutions, which there are of course. The main reason? Its the money of course, or the lack of it. There are other valid […]

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A400M Just Gets Costlier

KUALA LUMPUR: Based on the story below, it appears that we may end up paying up to RM700 million for each of our 4 A400M despite assurances to the contrary previously. Not a very good start to the upcoming RMK10, which according to most observers will only give around RM5 […]

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2010 Budget

KUALA LUMPUR: AS usual its the defence and security sector got the stick whenever the economy goes bad. Based on my cursory reading of the Economic Report its the only Main sector of the government that had its budget reduced. Oh, well… Management Budget for 2010, which pays for maintainaince […]

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MAF RMK10 Wish List

KUALA LUMPUR: KUALA LUMPUR: As mentioned previously listed below are the Malaysian Armed Forces Tenth Malaysian Plan wish-list. The list was the procurement plans mentioned by the PAT for the Armed Forces Day interview in September. Since I was not asked to prepare the questions (last minute rush, as usual) […]

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Cost of Arms in the Real World

KUALA LUMPUR: Listed below are the cost of arms in the real world. Yes, there are other sellers, which offer cheaper prices but we do not have comparative figures for check and balance. The list below are the notification made to the US Congress by the Defence Security Cooperation Agency […]

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Be Really Careful…

KUALA LUMPUR: The story from Bernama below is self-explainatory. But one must look at the proposal very carefully lest the same thing that had occurred before wont be repeated. Do I need to recite the development of the Jalan Ampang TA camp before we rush into similar schemes in the […]

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Armed Forces Pension Fund to Fund Armed Forces Procurement

Furthermore, which interest will LTAT protect the most? Its investment or contributors or both? How will this effect its independence when reviewing procurement projects? Does this mean it will use this dual function to maneuver the ministry to fund projects even though it does not make sense strategically or financially ie the M4 and the NGPV project? Who will be in charge of monitoring all the deals? […]

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News From Paris

KUALA LUMPUR: As promised, here is some news from Paris. First of all, the generous French had agree to extend the RM1.604 billion price for the 12 Eurocopter EC725 until February, next year. Initially, the deadline for the price was set to end next month but apparently they had decided […]