Breaking News: Two Cops Killed in Ambush

KUALA LUMPUR: Two cops were killed in an ambush when they were about to raid a house this mornoing. (see story below).  Two more cops are fighting for his life. Update: I have edited this story as the original story from Bernama was wrong

I stand to be corrected, but it is most likely this cops were not wearing body armour. The criminals could have shot them in the heads but I believed no lives should be lost needlessly if body armour were worn in the incident.

My thoughts and prayers are with the deceased families at the moment. A sad day indeed. The only thing that is more disturbing is that it happened just an hour away from my home.

— MalaysianDefence

From Bernama

Three Cops Killed In Shootout During Anti-Narcotic Operation

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 (Bernama) — Three police personnel from the Selangor headquarters were killed in a shootout during an anti-narcotic operation in Jalan TS2 Taman Suria, Kampung Desa Aman, Sungai Buloh, Thursday night.

A fourth officer involved in the operation jointly mounted by the federal and Selangor police was seriously injured.

Those killed were C/Insp Rajkumar, L/Cpl Alagesan and L/Cpl Jayabalan, in their 30s, while C/Insp Helmi who led the operation with C/Insp Rajkumar was injured (police were not able to give their full names at the time of writing this report).

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan told reporters at the scene that the shootout happened between 7pm and 7.30pm.

He said the four policemen in civilian clothes were about to raid a house where members of an international drug trafficking syndicate were believed hiding when a number of suspects in a Proton Wira and a Nissan Sentra pulled over in front of it and fired several shots at the police.

“The suspects then fled in their cars. Jayabalan was killed instantly while Alagesan died on the way to the Sungai Buloh Hospital,” he said.

The two officers were admitted to the same hospital in critical condition but C/Insp Rajkumar succumbed to his injuries.

Musa said all state police contingents had been instructed to set up roadblocks to track down and nab the criminals described as very dangerous.

“A closed-circuit camera installed at the entrance of the housing estate where the house was, managed to record images of the cars used by the criminals and we are studying it. They can’t go far,” he said.

Bernama was told that Jayabalan, who served at the Gombak police headquarters, managed to contact his superiors saying that criminals had ambushed them during the operation.

A neighbour, Tan Ee Kuey, 45, said the house had been occupied over the past two to three months but the occupants were rarely seen at home.

“I was having dinner when I heard over 10 explosions outside. When I got out of my house, I saw four people bleeding on the ground in front of the suspects’ house.

“I helped to carry the injured into a police multipurpose vehicle that pulled up. I could not believe my neighbours were criminals,” he told reporters.


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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (3)

  • I have updated the story as the first Bernama story sent out was wrong as it listed three cops killed instead of two. The IGP confirmed later that the men killed were not wearing body armour. It is sad that after the men had been killed, instead of praising them, an internal inquiry was set up to investigate the case. I understand the need to investigate but please, honour the dead during this sad time at least.

    The fact that it was the police who lacked body armour so it was not their fault for not wearing one. Anyhow my source said the cops were shot at point blank range and one of them was hit three times on the head so wearing body armour was academic in his case.

  • Itu lah kan, sakit hati je bila baca. We keep getting our priorities screwed up.

    I know banyak orang merungut sebab Polis ambil rasuah la, but I am a firm believer despite whatever said and done about our Police Force, the years of peace we have had has been as a result of commendable work they have done.

    In times of sadness, perhaps some comforting words should be said to the deceased police officers' family. Perhaps a promise for justice for the policemen killed would dampen the blow to the grieving family members. Perhaps a promise that the police personnel will be better equipped, Perhaps a plea to the public to bring the killers to justice, Perhaps a promise to the family of the deceased that the death of their beloved ones will not be in vain, Perhaps a promise that the welfare of the fallen heroes' family will be taken care of...

    Instead of sptlight being trained on the killers, the bright lights are now being trained on the Police. I am not saying that the SOP of the Police should not be reviewed, but must it be done now in times of grieve ?

    The family of the deceased are at a loss of the violence that fell on their beloved ones, they cry for an understanding, they are trying desperately to understand the tragedy that has befallen on them. They cry that justice visit the killers.

    Such sad state of affairs. Despite whatever misgivings we have about the Police force, those who were killed were officers of the law killed in the line of duty. Is it difficult for the politicians to at least have some decency to pay a bit of respect to those killed ?

    I was in America this year on holiday, they have the same complaints about the Police force as well, corruption and violence, but when it comes to respecting the dead officers of the law, there are no 2 ways about it.

    I just hope the newspapers could play a better role than the politicians. The memory of those killed must be honoured and cherished.
