Black Hawks, Still Waiting for You, Part 2

A US Army Black Hawk helicopter landing at the Kota Belud airstrip on June 30. The helicopter is part of the US Army contingent taking part in Keris Strike 2024 exercise with the Malaysian Army and the Australian Army. Army

SHAH ALAM: Stricter US export regulations and the conflict in Ukraine are among the reasons for the late delivery of the four leased Black Hawk helicopters, Parliament was told yesterday. Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari said these were the reasons given by Aerotree Defence & Services Sdn Bhd for the delays in delivering the helicopters.

From the Star:

“The war in Ukraine caused disruption in the supply chain and the approval process from US regulators has been tightened for the modernisation of technical specifications and the integration of avionics systems on a Black Hawk UH-60A aircraft.

“The work programme timeline and expected delivery of Black Hawk UH-60A aircraft to Malaysia has been revised and updated by Slovak Training Academy and all parties involved, based on the current supply chain condition and expected approval time from US regulators,” said Adly.

He said Putrajaya views the late delivery of helicopters seriously, as it could negatively impact the helicopter operations of the Malaysian Army Aviation unit.

“As outlined in the contract, if there were any delays in the delivery of the helicopters, the government can impose late fines over delays caused by the company.

“But, if the company still fails to deliver according to the agreed dates, the ministry can cancel this acquisition and reopen the tender, as mentioned in the contract,” said Adly.

I would have posted this yesterday, but the Star had erroneously posted the story quoting DS Mohamad Hassan as the Defence Minister, even though the answer was by Adly. The current Malaysian Defence Minister is to DS Khaled Nordin. Even the amended copy still has Mohamad on it (Paragraph 7).

It appears that the ministry is still hoping to get the helicopters despite the delays. Malaysian Defence was the first to highlight the head winds on the Black Hawk helicopters.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (28)

  • I dunno about other folks here but I am not enamoured or ga-ga over helicopters. I likened them to Nissan N200 or Daihatsu GrandMax mini vans, great to scoot and make deliveries.
    And here we are still stuck when we are just leasing (not owning) them!
    I also dunno who are the Tan Sis in Aerotree but please, just pull the plug and get another helicopter type. It is just a helicopter, not an F15EX or F35.
    * I am just fed-up why we still end up with nincompoops to head MinDef etc. Be decisive for once...

  • Taib - ''I dunno about other folks here but I am not enamoured or ga-ga over helicopters.''

    You don't have to be 'ga-ga'' over them but do tell us that we don't need them and that there's an alternative.

  • Taib - ''I am just fed-up why we still end up with nincompoops to head MinDef etc. Be decisive for once''

    Only the government can make final decisions. MINDEF [and the Defence Minister] recommends and lobbies - as you well know - but the ultimate decision is not in its hands.

  • lmao the army isnt exactly thrilled with these helo especially as they're leased. they wanted their own medium helo since nuri is retired and they didn't have anything else except A109 and that glorified flying egg

  • dundun,

    Actually the army was/is looking forward to the Blackhawks as it badly needs some medium lift platforms; even if leased; until such a time or gets its own platforms.

  • Mindef is too lenient in this matter. Just cancel the contract & fine the company. Find another supplier is rhat so hard to do? Unless it already have certain arrangements/offsets bla bla. Mindef should be firm because this is the matter of national security. We should not compromise.

  • can't we get others heli from other countries, why must get from u.s,pentagon don't keen on selling nor leasing to us. we got our migs and su from Russia,why don't buy from them

  • 'an alternative'.(Azlan)
    Well we can get more AW139/149/169/189s for one. Or buy/lease from Turkiye/Poland/S. Korea/Russia or even India.
    I am not saying we don't need helicopters but these are basically just transports. Like I said nothing more than a flying Daihatsu minivan.

  • Pinoy buys 32 Blackhawk
    Indonesia buys 24 Blackhawk
    Malaysia leases 4 and delivery has been delayed
    Such a sorry state of affair in our military procurement

  • @dundun
    As Marhalim mentioned, TDM wanted Blackhawks and (supposedly) they are getting Blackhawks. Whether lease or own, its something they have to compromise with the little money they allocated for medium lifters. If they wanted to buy en masse they should defer other plans for it.