Beretta Once More

Beretta PMX 9X19 sub machine gun complete with suppressor as delivered to the Army in June 2022. TD

SHAH ALAM: After a break of some 50 years, the Army is putting back a Beretta firearm into service. In the past it was the AR-70 but this time around, its the Beretta PMX 9X19 sub machinegun. Army chief Jen Zamrose Mohd Zain took delivery of 11 PMX sub-machine guns in a ceremony held on June 29.

The Berettas is supplied by Kharisma Wira Sdn Bhd, the same company that is fronting the JF-17 fighter jet for the RMAF FLIT-LCA tender.

Army chief Jen Zamrose receiving a picture of a Beretta PMX submachine gun as a token of appreciation from an official from Kharisma Wira. TD

It is interesting to note that there were two tenders for the 9X19 sub-machine guns in the Eperolehan site, one was for the GGK and the other was for Defence Special Operation Division (DOSD).
Army chief Gen Zamrose looking at the Night Vision Sight. TD.

As the Beretta sub-gun uses the blowback type operation it does not meet the requirements of the GGK tender. The DOSD tender, published in February this year, did not specified the type of operation though it call for the firearms to come equip various accessories from mounting (picatinny) rails, suppressors and three 30 round magazines. Both sub-machine guns are to be used for close quarters and similar type of operations.
The items that comes with the Beretta PMX sub-machine guns. TD

The tender, however, called for 47 sub-machine guns and the Eperolehan website listed the company that won the tender as Newtech Pro Sdn Bhd. It must be said that the accessories displayed at the hand-over indicated that it is the sub-gun that won the DOSD tender (picture above)
The two TMSS accepted into Army service. TD

Apart from the Berettas, the Army also took delivery of 160 Night Vision Sights and 126 units non-lethal restraints. They also took delivery of a single bus to be used during promotions and fairs; 50 field kitchens, two Tactical Mobility Support System (TMSS) to be used with the bridging units and two Komatsu excavators. The names of the companies are listed below.
Army chief Jen Zamrose receiving a mock key for the promotional bus from Deftech CEO Mohd Fazley Ariffin. TD

KUALA LUMPUR: Tentera Darat (TD) telah menerima beberapa perolehan aset baharu melibatkan Kenderaan Jenis B (KJB), Kenderaan Jenis C (KJC), senjata Sub Machine Gun (SMG), peralatan optronik dan peralatan pelbagai bagi suku kedua tahun 2022 yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jen Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose Mohd Zain dalam Majlis Penyerahan Aset TD bertempat di Garaj A, 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat (92 DKP) pada 29 Jun 2022.

Antara KJB yang diterima ialah sebuah Outreach Command Center Vehicle (OCCV) yang dibekalkan oleh DEFTECH Sdn Bhd dan 50 unit Mobile Field Kitchen (MFK) oleh High Point Worldwide Sdn Bhd, manakala KJC yang diperolehi adalah sebuah Tactical Mobility Support System (TMSS) dibekalkan oleh Dwi Makna Sdn Bhd dan dua unit Track Excavator oleh EZMM Niaga Sdn Bhd.

Bagi perolehan senjata, peralatan optronik dan peralatan pelbagai pula, TD menerima sebanyak 11 unit SMG yang dibekalkan oleh Syarikat Kharisma Wira Sdn Bhd, 160 unit Night Vision Weapon Sight (NVWS) oleh Softlabs Technologies Sdn Bhd dan 126 unit Non Lethal Restraint (NLR) oleh iKenanga Sdn Bhd untuk kegunaan operasi TD.

Terdahulu, PTD diiring bagi melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas setiap perolehan aset secara walking brief yang disampaikan oleh wakil syarikat pembekal masing-masing.

Majlis disempurnakan dengan penyerahan replika kunci kepada PTD sebagai simbolik penyerahan aset-aset tersebut kepada TD serta penyampaian cenderahati.

The Komatsu tracked excavator. TD

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (2)

  • Is that this new 8x8 Tactical Mobility Support System (TMSS) that mounted on the MAN truck has a same function/role as the 8x8 Mercedes-Benz Actros HGMS that already in Army's inventory? If I'm not mistaken 8x8 Mercedes-Benz Actros installed with Faun Trackway.

    • Yes same function, I think its from Faun as well, likely they used MAN chassis as it was available

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