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Malaysian Defence

Did It Arrive?

KUALA LUMPUR: AS Malaysian Defence writes this, there is no word of the arrival of the first two Sukhoi Su-30MKM Super Flanker to the RMAF air base in Gong Kedak, Kelantan. Both planes, the first two of 18 examples, were supposed to arrive on Father’s Day 2007 on board an […]

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Malaysian Defence

Malaysian Defence ORBAT for RMN

KUALA LUMPUR: This is the second installment of Malaysian Defence very own Order of Battle for the Malaysian Armed Forces. The first was for the RMAF. Malaysian Defence realised that its easy to make such an ORBAT without any budget or responsibility to worry about nor political pressure and self […]

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Malaysian Defence

Here Today Gone Tomorrow

Deputy Prime Minister cum Defence Minister, Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak received a courtesy call from the Chairman of US Joint Chief of Staff, General Peter Pace on Tuesday, 4 June 2007 at the Defence Minister Office, Ministry of Defence, Kuala Lumpur. KUALA LUMPUR: Five […]

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Malaysian Defence

Sukhoi SU-30MKM

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Defence have yet to get a copyright free picture of the new RMAF Sukhoi Su-30MKM Flanker. However, in 2003 Malaysian Defence captured the acrobatics of a Flanker owned by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It is similar to our MKM plus the Thrust Vector Control nozzles. The only […]

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Malaysian Defence

Malaysian Defence ORBAT for RMAF

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Defence would like to celebrate Royal Malaysian Air Force 49th anniversary with its own Order of Battle, in time for the big celebration next year. RMAF is rather conservative when it comes to celebrating its 50th year unlike our Tourism Ministry! Anyhow, RMAF current ORBAT is rather […]

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Malaysian Defence

Navy Man and Suit

KUALA LUMPUR: An update to my earlier post “Sailor Suit and NTV7 News”. The New Straits Times carried a report in today’s edition. Navy man sues govt05 June, 2007JOHOR BARU: A naval serviceman who suffered severe burns during a training stint last year has sued the government, Defence Minister Datuk […]

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Malaysian Defence

Sailor Suit and NTV7 news

KUALA LUMPUR: I caught a glimpse of a report on the NTV7 8pm news tonight. I was distracted by my kids and was not concentrating on the TV. As far as I could recall the report was about a 20-year-old sailor is suing the Govt and the Chief of the […]

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Malaysian Defence

Antaltuya Murder Trial

KUALA LUMPUR: As everyone knows by now, the Altantuya murder trial has been postponed to June 18. Check out the full story at www.bernama,com. The Mongolian woman family also sued the three accused and the Govt of Malaysia for RM100 million. I am sorry to say this but I wonder […]