MRCA Tender Is On? Part II
I admit any increase in the Malaysian defence budget must first be accompanied with wholesale reforms in Jalan Padang Tembak if we want to see real changes in the Armed Forces and country. […]
I admit any increase in the Malaysian defence budget must first be accompanied with wholesale reforms in Jalan Padang Tembak if we want to see real changes in the Armed Forces and country. […]
KUALA LUMPUR: I dont normally do this but this is important. It is not just that I know Hata but as a former unionists and a believer of press freedom, I am proud to use this space to express my support to him. Waliao! –Malaysian Defence If you like this […]
KUALA LUMPUR: Everyone who has Astro and subscribed to the Learning Channel will have seen the Mythbusters. These fellas get paid to have fun busting myths and urban legends. However in Malaysia there is an ongoing myth that the Armed Forces can afford to have a lot things that other […]
You can bet that if next year, they proceed with the MRCA purchase, one smart aleck will start screaming again…sheesh […]
PETALING JAYA: We are still waiting with bated breath whether or not Wikileaks will release a US diplomatic cables from the Kuala Lumpur embassy. Further reading.. With thousands of cables supposedly available, hopefully we will get something. Not so much on politics of course, but Malaysia’s defence matters especially concerning […]
PETALING JAYA: The picture below is the first upgraded S-61T to be delivered to the US State Department. The T is the proposed version for the project to upgrade our fleet of surviving Nuris. I dont have Photoshop but one can imagine a RMAF version after seeing the picture below […]
PETALING JAYA: The story below is self-explanatory. I am quite sure the good Lt Col had spoken to his bosses before making the suggestion that the off-set for the Cougars include a cash injection for the new aerospace centre (or what ever he said) . Yet, again the Armed Forces […]
I know I maybe putting the cart before the horse, but I believed that the RMAF new MRCA programme will be tendered soon. […]
Based on the national interests that need to be maintained, Malaysia must have a level of defense capability that can ensure the key areas can be protected in any way. Malaysia also has to maintain and increase the capability to protect the sovereignty rights on the land and water territory including EEZ, continental shelf and all its strategic maritime and air space routes. Thus, capability development of MAF has to be based on the main purpose to protect the national interest of the three regions. In the meantime, the national defense is not limited to preparedness to face any conflict that might occur but a guarantee of independence and sovereignty, defending national interest and catalyst for national development programmes […]
There is no shame of saying “I dont know” which is an honest answer instead of giving way to an infantile ranting. I know its below my pay grade, but appended here should be an answer which will be worthy of reading for generations to come. […]
Malaysian Defence