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Defence Shows

DSA 2012 Special

PETALING JAYA: I have written on various occasions on the AV8 and it is obvious that I am not so keen about the programme. The main reason for my reticence is mainly on the cost of the programme: RM7.65 billion for 257 vehicles and not on the procurement itself. Especially […]

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Malaysia -RMN

SGPV Contracts

PETALING JAYA: IT is reported today that Boustead Naval Shipyard has awarded two contracts for its sister companies as part of the SGPV programme. As I had mentioned before updates on the SGPV programme is coming in drips. Fun for BNS of course but not for us the defence junkies! […]

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Malaysia -RMN

Tender out to repair KD Pari

PETALING JAYA: Last month, a tender to repair KD Pari was issued. KD Pari was the FAC which nearly sank off Pulau Layang-layang last November while attempting to chase a Chinese vessel. The FAC took in water after one of its shafts dislodged. Those who wanted to tender for the […]

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Defence Shows

How Wonderful It Would Be…

PETALING JAYA: The ‘show” signing for the SGPV contract is expected to be held at the DSA 2012 show to be held from the 16 to 19 of this month. However, two weeks before the show we are still looking for more details of the systems to be integrated on […]

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Picture of the Week

The picture above is the poster of the movie The Dictator. Note the huge ribbons bar! It is a homage to the countless dictators who shamelessly pinned ribbon bars on their uniform as proof of their bravery which we all know are fake of course. Nonetheless the ribbons on the […]

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Malaysia -RMN

A Case for ABM capability?

PETALING JAYA: North Korea is expected to launch a rocket in a few weeks time. According to the wires: “North Korea announced earlier this month it would launch a rocket between April 12-16 to put a satellite into orbit to celebrate the centenary of Kim Il-Sung’s birth.” The move has […]

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Asean and Malaysia

Defence industry, a look down South

PETALING JAYA: Posted below is an AFP story, on the arms industry of our southern neighbour, Singapore. I am not stating that the story tell us the whole story but its very instructive to our aspirations and dreams. To me, personally and I could be wrong here, at the end […]