Anwar’s Gambit (edited)

KUALA LUMPUR: With half of the country expecting Pak Lah to suspend the constitution and rule by decree, this weekend to stave off Anwar’s relentless quest for the premier post, Malaysian Defence would like this opportunity to offer his views on the issue.


If indeed he does resort to emergency rule, Pak Lah would have handed Anwar a great victory. It will be the signal for those fence-sitting MPs, to cross over from BN together with other law makers who had not been approached by the opposition.

Anwar may claimed he had enough MPs to form a new government now, but Malaysian Defence believe many of them, would not jump ship simply like that. They do not want to be called traitors and lose face. If only the Government did something terribly wrong, totally undemocratic, leaving us no better than Myanmar…hence the Anwar’s gambit.

Malaysian Defence believes this was what Anwar presented to them. A way for them to save their faces while at the same time eat their cake too.

Isnt this risky? Of course, but one must remember that Anwar has nothing to lose, and every thing to gain. It is Pak Lah who will lose every thing, he may be in power, but he will lose all legitimacy. And Najib? Although he will not be directly responsible for the fiasco, it is doubtful that his political career will survive the troubles.

Is there a chance for Pak Lah to survive? There is even if the window of opportunity is small and fast closing. If he is to survive, Pak Lah must act quickly now. Otherwise, all the sacrifices he made will be good for nothing.

Post edited due to the constant disruption of Maxis Broadband.

–Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam