Border Incident

It is quite disheartening reading the news of the incident at Malaysian-Thai border where four soldiers were injured after two…

Marhalim Abas

Happy New Year

More blogs to come. Sorry for waiting for so long for a new post.

Marhalim Abas


I was informed recently that Khazanah Nasional and several parties including LTAT, Satang Jaya and a few other companies are…

Marhalim Abas

Pakistan Pictures

A Ghauri Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile displayed in the ready to fire mode on its towed launcherA Ghaznavi short range…

Marhalim Abas

More Pictures from Pakistan

As promised more pictures from PakistanA Shaheen-II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile on its 12 x 12 All Terrain Carrier/Launcher. A…

Marhalim Abas

Pictures from Pakistan

Some of the pictures I took while at IDEAS 2006 in Karachi late last month. Enjoy...more to come Pakistan Ordnance…

Marhalim Abas

Pakistan Trip

Just got back from Pakistan for IDEAS 2006. I hope to write what happened there soon.

Marhalim Abas

Divine Intervention?

Captions Amin Shah (top) Razak Baginda I have been thinking about this for the last two weeks. I am not…

Marhalim Abas

Pak Lah and the Old Man

The current stand-off between Pak Lah and Old Man is not doing any good to the country.I have been trying…

Marhalim Abas

Assault Rilfle, Again

HK416G36CI was reading the Small Arms Review magazine earlier in the day. One of the articles in the issue was…

Marhalim Abas