Thais Buying the Mi-17s..

KUALA LUMPUR: According to an unconfirmed new report, the Thais are buying Mi-17s! Perhaps they are also feeling the pinch…

Marhalim Abas

Wataniah To Be Upgraded….Or Not

KUALA LUMPUR: Mindef is planning another round of upgrading, this time around for the Wataniah (Territorial Army). (see story below).…

Marhalim Abas

The Number Game

KUALA LUMPUR: After a short breather, Malaysian Defence would like to highlight what was offered for the NRP. As only…

Marhalim Abas

Mindef Explains EC725 Deal

KUALA LUMPUR: Posted below is the Mindef explaination whether it had followed procedures in choosing the Cougar for the Nuri…

Marhalim Abas

Eurocopter on A Roll

KUALA LUMPUR: Although its Letter of Intent for the Nuri Replacement Programme have come under attack (by none other than…

Marhalim Abas

The Cougar, Why?

French Air Force Caracal KUALA LUMPUR: Since the announcement, Malaysian Defence have been trying to find out the real factor…

Marhalim Abas

RMN Otomat Missile Firing

KUALA LUMPUR: The press release from MBDA below is self-explainatory. However, it is more revealing than the release by RMN…

Marhalim Abas

Second RMN Submarine Launched

KUALA LUMPUR: The news from Bernama (below) is self-explainatory. Neither Pak Lah and Najib were around for the launch this…

Marhalim Abas

Nuri’s Bigger, Meaner Cousin (MH-53s) Retires

KUALA LUMPUR: The USAF finally retire its fleet of MH-53 Pave Lows from service on Oct 1. The helicopter, a…

Marhalim Abas

It was The Money…..

KUALA LUMPUR: The story from Bernama (below) to Malaysian Defence seemed redundant. Since money was paid for the release of…

Marhalim Abas