Who Will Be the New Defence Minister? Part II

KUALA LUMPUR: Back in January Malaysian Defence asked the same question and even posted a poll on this site. A…

Marhalim Abas

An Open Letter to the PM-Designate

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Defence has a habit of writing open letters to the PM since starting this website. This time…

Marhalim Abas

Did We Missed It?

KUALA LUMPUR: Not many of us realised it, but the Nuri's first flight 50th anniversary was celebrated on March 11.…

Marhalim Abas

Tenth Malaysian Plan, Part Three and NGPV

KUALA LUMPUR: I did not mention it but someone did and its obvious that even if we lacked the money,…

Marhalim Abas

Tenth Malaysian Plan, Part Two

KUALA LUMPUR: From cursory readings of the mini-budget, Malaysian Defence acknowledged that the Tenth Malaysian Plan Part 1, funding is…

Marhalim Abas

Flanker and Hornet Heads Up….

KUALA LUMPUR: The story below is certainly a huge wake up call for our Flanker boys. The success of the…

Marhalim Abas

10th Malaysian Plan. Part 1

S300 SAM system. A cheaper alternative to purchasing 100-odd 4th-generation fighters. Absalon-class combat support ship. A much better ship for…

Marhalim Abas

OIC Force: Baby Steps

KUALA LUMPUR: Within the last two years and even recently, there were a lot of voices calling for the formation…

Marhalim Abas

UAE choose the M346

KUALA LUMPUR: After years of hesitation (perhaps because they do no want the Hawk and the other aircraft were not…

Marhalim Abas

Sabah Radars, An Update

KUALA LUMPUR: The story below updated our earlier discussion on the Sabah radars. It appears that the first radar transmitter…

Marhalim Abas