France Looking At C130J Hercules As A400M Is Delayed

KUALA LUMPUR: The story below (click link) is self explainatory. Yes, I know some remained rooted to the A400M deal,…

Marhalim Abas

MV Bunga Mas Lima Goes Pirate Hunting

KUALA LUMPUR: The story from NST is another indictment of our failure to properly prepare our armed forces for any…

Marhalim Abas

Interested in Buying Second Hand Fulcrums?

KUALA LUMPUR: IF you got the cash or other means you might want to contact Mindef ASAP. The Fulcrum fleet…

Marhalim Abas

Its Cheaper Alright But….

KUALA LUMPUR: The story below is self-explainatory of course but Malaysian Defence begs to differ with the statement by the…

Marhalim Abas

Vietnam Acquires 12 Su-30MK2 Jets from Russia

KUALA LUMPUR: Vietnam is apparently on a modernisation drive, China or otherwise, it seemed that even the economic crisis is…

Marhalim Abas

Will RMAF Hawk Fleet Get Their Mid-Life Update?

KUALA LUMPUR: THE story below is self-explanatory. However, the RM402 million contract also opened a can of worms. While the…

Marhalim Abas

More Reading Materials for the Defence Minister, Part II

KUALA LUMPUR: More reading materials for the Defence Minister. It maybe a good idea to learn about how others do…

Marhalim Abas

What the Aussies are Planning to buy within the next 20 Years

Kuala Lumpur: As Malaysian Defence had pointed out in an earlier post, the Aussies had just come out with the…

Marhalim Abas

Tender of HK416

KUALA LUMPUR: I found this tender advertised at the Mindef website today. 1 KP(PERO 1)B/T 141/2008 2 Jun 2009 60.00…

Marhalim Abas

Thai Army Buying Blimp Surveillance System

Aria Manned Airship KUALA LUMPUR: Its looking obvious that although Malaysian big arms purchases have grind to a halt, our…

Marhalim Abas