The Armed Forces Takes A Back Seat…NGPV or SGPV edited

SHAH ALAM: Its confirmed now, the SGPV, formally the NGPV and known in Mindef now as LCS, is to be…

Marhalim Abas

No I Did Not Cheat! Another M4 story!

PETALING JAYA: Someone commented that I had cheated when I quoted Defense News in 2009 that the US Army was…

Marhalim Abas

MRCA Tender Is On? Part II

I admit any increase in the Malaysian defence budget must first be accompanied with wholesale reforms in Jalan Padang Tembak…

Marhalim Abas

Support Hata Wahari and NUJ

KUALA LUMPUR: I dont normally do this but this is important. It is not just that I know Hata but…

Marhalim Abas

Myths and Defence

KUALA LUMPUR: Everyone who has Astro and subscribed to the Learning Channel will have seen the Mythbusters. These fellas get…

Marhalim Abas

Ask, Godammit, Ask…

You can bet that if next year, they proceed with the MRCA purchase, one smart aleck will start screaming again...sheesh…

Marhalim Abas

Wikileaks and Malaysia

PETALING JAYA: We are still waiting with bated breath whether or not Wikileaks will release a US diplomatic cables from…

Marhalim Abas

Upgraded Nuri

PETALING JAYA: The picture below is the first upgraded S-61T to be delivered to the US State Department. The T…

Marhalim Abas

What Will They Think Of Next, Part II…

PETALING JAYA: The story below is self-explanatory. I am quite sure the good Lt Col had spoken to his bosses…

Marhalim Abas

The MRCA Tender Is On?

I know I maybe putting the cart before the horse, but I believed that the RMAF new MRCA programme will…

Marhalim Abas