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MMEA personnel at the 2023 Merdeka parade. APMM

SHAH ALAM: PMX DS Anwar Ibrahim presented the 12 RMK Mid-year team review at the Parliament yesterday. Among others he announced that the government is committed to spending at least RM90 billion a year from 2023 until 2025 under 12MP. He also said that the government will fully spend the RM400 billion allocation under 12MP and increase the ceiling by RM15 billion, bringing the total sum to RM415 billion.

For more details go here.

Anwar in his presentation also touched on national security sector. As usual, no details were announced apart from him repeating that his intent to stop leakages from the procurement of national security assets. This will be done through government-to-government deal, Anwar said echoing what he said previously.

There is also, unfortunately, nothing new in the list of assets to be procured (see below the full transcript). The items being procured are armoured vehicles, drones, littoral mission ships, helicopters, and light combat aircraft.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will get more operational bases and the Maritime Surveillance System will be upgraded and new radars to be purchase. Based on the statement, I do not think MMEA will be getting new ships apart from the three OPVs. It is unclear whether the helicopters, Anwar mentioned in his presentation include MMEA or those are simply the ones being leased for Tentera Darat.

Memperkukuh Keselamatan dan Pertahanan Negara.
Keselamatan dan kedaulatan negara akan terus dipertahankan bagi
menjamin keamanan dan kesejahteraan rakyat dan negara. Kerajaan akan memberi
tumpuan kepada tiga perkara pokok bagi memperkasa kubu negara.
Pertama: Anjakan utama pengukuhan keselamatan dan pertahanan negara.
Masyarakat mensyaratkan agar ketirisan dalam tatacara perolehan aset segera
ditangani bagi menjamin kesiapsiagaan pertahanan negara. Kerajaan akan
meneruskan usaha pencegahan jenayah dan rehabilitasi bagi meningkatkan
kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Keamanan Global.
Kerajaan melipatgandakan usaha untuk terus memperkasa dan
memodenkan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia yang bertugas sebagai benteng
keselamatan negara. Kerajaan bersetuju untuk memperkukuh kesiapsiagaan
pertahanan melalui perolehan aset tambahan seperti kenderaan perisai, dron, littoral
mission ship, helikopter dan pesawat tempur ringan.
Seluruh sistem perolehan telah dirombak untuk menetapkan supaya bekalan
senjata yang diperlukan ditentukan oleh kepakaran berkaitan tentera, mengelak
daripada ketirisan dan dalam kebanyakan urusan akan menerusi pendekatan G2G
dengan negara masing-masing dan tidak melalui ejen-ejen.
Kedua: Mengoptimumkan kawalan keselamatan di sempadan melalui
beberapa projek seperti:
(i) naik taraf pusat kawalan operasi dan pembinaan baru
pangkalan operasi Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia;
(ii) naik taraf Sistem Penguatkuasaan Maritim Laut dan menara
radar penderiaan jauh;
(iii) naik taraf dan pembinaan baharu Kompleks Imigresen, Kastam,
Kuarantin dan Keselamatan di pintu masuk terpilih;
(iv) pembinaan baharu pos keselamatan ATM di sepanjang
sempadan Sabah dan Sarawak dengan Indonesia; dan
(v) pembangunan pangkalan baru tentera laut di Bintulu, Sarawak.
Ketiga: Kerajaan akan terus memerangi jenayah siber yang semakin
berleluasa. Hampir 55,000 kes jenayah siber dengan nilai kerugian mencecah RM1.8
bilion dilaporkan dalam tempoh 2021 hingga Julai 2023. Kerajaan akan meminda
undang-undang sedia ada bagi meningkatkan keberkesanan memerangi kegiatan
jenayah siber.

— Malaysian Defence

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Marhalim Abas: Shah Alam

View Comments (31)

  • Tiga perkara pokok...

    Pertama: Anjakan utama pengukuhan keselamatan dan pertahanan negara.

    Kedua: Mengoptimumkan kawalan keselamatan di sempadan melalui
    beberapa projek

    What is the third pokok?

  • I am more interested if he will fixed the defence allocations to a certain sum or percentage as the last couple of years the budget has dropped to less than 1% GDP which is understandable why but still really is too low and needs to be fixed now that our economy is back on track.

  • There are plenty of ways to optimise our little budget to give much more bigger results.

    First we need to come clean that our current plans such as 15 to 5 are just not workable for the future.

    Second we need a global plan that includes all services + APMM.

    Third we need to be clear that as a maritime nation, the security of our waters is our first priority. Even our army needs to have the same outlook, for starters by having coastal anti-ship missiles in their plans.

    For our maritime domain, having large but weak navy, and a coast guard that does not have adequate resources to do their basic tasks will be a problem. I would prefer to have a smaller, leaner navy that is prepared to fight a future conflict in SCS. A coast guard that is at every hotspot in our eez 24/7.

    Yes OPEX is something that cannot suddenly double in an instant. Can APMM have OPVs optimised to run at slower speed but with longer endurance for a change? Usually just a presence of a coast guard vessel will make illegal fishing vessels avoid the area, and that means fishes (and profit, and food security) for malaysian fishermen.

  • Rumors... rumors...

    Two units of PPA OPV/Frigate (Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura - Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel) that currently in production for Italian navy could be sold to Malaysia?

    That would be a very interesting scenario. The PPA has 3 variants
    PPA light (Equipped with guns only, missiles/torpedoes FFBNW, OPV level)
    PPA light+ ( guns + anti-air missiles)
    PPA full ( guns + anti-air missiles + anti-ship missiles + ASW torpedoes)

    They are basically Frigate-sized vessels, 2x the size of Gowinds. Even the PPA Light version displaces around 5,800 tons. It has large hangar that can fit 2x NH90, multi-purpose bays that can fit 8 TEU container midships and 5 TEU container under the hangar. It will have plenty of space for UAV, USV and such for the future.

    Currently there is 2 PPA Light+ version that is in build
    - Marcantonio Colonna P433, launched Nov 2022, planned commissioning Oct 2024
    - Ruggiero di Lauria P435, launched Aug 2023, planned commissioning Aug 2025

    If we do get them, it will be only the 3rd time TLDM uses gas turbine for its ships.

    So PPA or Type 31e? Type 31e will be common platform currently for Royal Navy, Singapore, Indonesia, Poland and in future, probably New Zealand too. Economical all diesel powerplant. But PPA design is quite interesting too. With the possibility of quickly getting them in 1-2 years time.

    If we buy them, will it be an alternative to Gowind? I would see them as mainly a replacement for Lekiu and Kasturi class ships. I would still prefer we get all 6 Gowinds as per planned. Should we transfer allocated budget of LMS batch 2 to get this instead? That would be an interesting question to answer by the navy. Could this be a part of the more government-to-government deal the Anwar Government is mulling?

    The PPA during the recent LIMA 2023

    • I also saw that posting, it's just talk. It is most likely that it will be Indonesia rather than us.

  • Well indonesia signed for 5 FREMM with italy without ever paying for any of them, and now building 2 Arrowhead 140 instead. If they do get the PPA, that would be very interesting indeed. It would tie up to the current rumors of Indonesia getting Italian Subs instead of the Scorpene.

    Personally I would still prefer the Arrowhead 140 for TLDM, the PPA has too many things not in common with what we now have. 127mm guns, different CMS, different missiles, etc.

    • Buying more warships will undoubtedly be part of a presidential candidate campaign. Over here, no one will back buying second hand ships or anything, most will curse claiming all sorts of thing.

  • Our neighbour got weird tatakelola. The Menhan can go about signing MOUs with principals without their Bappenas budgeting for it.

    And nobody questions that

  • @hulubalang
    "current plans such as 15 to 5 are just not workable"
    Its the only plan they got that is Govt approved, and that has survived our multiple revolving door Govts. Unless there is political push to change I doubt the current chief will want to change course.

    "the security of our waters is our first priority"
    Indeed but we arent an island and TDM does need to focus on a competent ground force. As I pointed out, what happens if PLAN invades from Thai border copying the path of IJA in WW2. Or scenarios like Lahad Datu incursion.

    "If we buy them, will it be an alternative to Gowind?"
    As I understand, TLDM needs more boats of certain sizes & capabilities and not really few large sized frigate leaders.

  • Well indonesia signed for 5 FREMM with italy without ever paying for any of them, and now building 2 Arrowhead 140 instead.(hulubalang)
    That seems to be the standard almost normal practice of the Indonesian Defense Ministry... announce a buy and conveniently changing the preferred buy down the street. And they get away with it every single time...

  • Joe "but still really is too low and needs to be fixed now that our economy is back on track."

    Some countries can afford higher defense spending per GDP because most of the production had already been localised. These allowed them to get spillovers effect for every dollar they spends. Uncle Sam for example get $1.5 dollar in economics spillovers for every $1 dollar they spend.

    While defense procurement isn't as attractive as infrastructure investment, most of these countries had max out & build all the important profitable infrastructure anyway & thus defense spending seem like a good way to boost economics outputs.

    Over here we do not have the same fundamentals

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