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Eurocopter on A Roll

KUALA LUMPUR: Although its Letter of Intent for the Nuri Replacement Programme have come under attack (by none other than an Umno division leader, who had been awarded defence contracts in the past and now taken up by the opposition to attack the soon-to-be leaving PM and his designated replacement), […]

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Malaysian Defence

The Cougar, Why?

French Air Force Caracal KUALA LUMPUR: Since the announcement, Malaysian Defence have been trying to find out the real factor or factors behind the selection of the EC725 Cougar (Caracal in French service) for the Nuri Replacement Programme. The helicopter, although not the preferred RMAF choice – which is of […]

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Malaysian Defence

RMN Otomat Missile Firing

KUALA LUMPUR: The press release from MBDA below is self-explainatory. However, it is more revealing than the release by RMN itself. MBDA must be pleased by the success, considering the problems it encountered before with its missiles in service with the RMN. Royal Malaysian Navy Conducts Successful Firing of Otomat […]

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Malaysian Defence

Second RMN Submarine Launched

KUALA LUMPUR: The news from Bernama (below) is self-explainatory. Neither Pak Lah and Najib were around for the launch this time around. Malaysia’s Second Scorpene Submarine Launched, Named ‘Tun Razak’ From Abdul Muin Abdul Majid CARTAGENA (Spain), Oct 8 (Bernama) — Malaysia’s second Scorpene submarine was launched by Raja Permaisuri […]

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Malaysian Defence

It was The Money…..

KUALA LUMPUR: The story from Bernama (below) to Malaysian Defence seemed redundant. Since money was paid for the release of the hijacked sailors and tankers, the involvement of the armed forces, will always be looked upon as trivial despite the sacrifices of the individual soldiers and sailors. Malaysian Armed Forces […]